Chapter 65

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"'s it going with your lover boy?" Pierre asked, adding a sarcastic tone to the word 'lover'.

"It's actually going really well Pierre, thank you for asking," I told him.

"Does he know anything about Formula 1 yet?" Daniel questioned.


Everyone knew that Luis didn't know about F1 and I'd given them all strict instructions not to mention it around him. There's been a few times where it's come close to him finding out. For example, when Lily and Lando had come over, Lando had a call with Carlos but he wasn't being very vague about what they were speaking about. I had to make up a whole lie to Luis that day to cover my back.

"I know you've told me off about asking this before but are you sure that Luis isn't just a rebound?" Pierre asked yet another question.

"Pierre! He is not a rebound I like him."

"Like..." Daniel added, not making this conversation any easier.

"What do you want me to say, that I'm head over heels in love?"

They both shrugged their shoulders and for a second I thought Pierre was going to say something else but he clearly decided to keep it to himself as his mouth quickly shut before any words came out of it. Like I said, these two didn't really approve of Luis and I got these questions many times before on our facetimes.

Before these two showed up, me and Luis had plans to go out for food tonight at an Italian not too far away. He wasn't a big fan of Italians whereas I loved them so he agreed just for one night that he'd put up with eating one for me.

Seen as I didn't want to miss out on my food, I decided the best choice was to invite Daniel and Pierre to join us. I'm sure that Luis wouldn't mind. Hopefully if we all went out to dinner together, Daniel and Pierre would see Luis the way I do and maybe just maybe they could then make an extra effort to like him.

When I invited them, they were quick to agree on coming. We were going to go at about 7 but I was so hungry and I bet Daniel and Pierre were as well after they got a flight over here. I headed downstairs to see if Luis would be alright with going early and thankfully he had no problem with it so we were soon on our way.

When we arrived at the Italian restaurant, Daniel insisted that I sat next to him. I couldn't say no to that face so sat across from Luis and next to Daniel, leaving Pierre to sit next to Luis. Pierre seemed overjoyed at where he was sat but I hoped he would try his best to not make this awkward for Luis as they didn't really know each other they just knew of each other.

"So, whatcha eating Lena?" Daniel asked, pulling one side of my menu back.

"You should know this Daniel," I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Risotto, Hermosa?" Luis guessed.

"Ehhh, no," I said, laughing off that he got it wrong., even though I'd told him multiple times yesterday and today. Clearly he'd not listened.

"I know you like Spaghetti A LOT but that's not your favourite, so what the hell is it..." Daniel quietly argued with himself.

"Carbonara! Charles told us all before," Pierre said excitedly, as he knew he got it right.

If he'd not mentioned Charles' name I'd have given him a pat on the back right now. Daniel looked at me a little worried when he heard what Pierre said but Pierre just sat clueless. Luis looked confused at the random name he'd heard as I'd obviously never mentioned Charles to him as we all know.

I quickly moved on from the topic, telling Pierre that he was right. Charles' name had made me feel a little uncomfortable so I was trying to be as natural as possible. I called the waiter over as soon as I could so that the silence that had come over the table would disappear.

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