Chapter 60

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As I walked through the airport, that I had just arrived in, I couldn't stop thinking about how Charles had reacted to what I had told him. The thing is he didn't react. It was as if his mind had gone blank and he looked at me in a way he hadn't looked at me before.

I felt guilty as I pictured how his eyes had become slightly watery before he had turned to walk back to his car. He'd not said a single word to me after I told him I didn't love him and in a way I think that was for the best. Not every relationship is meant to last forever and sometimes you have to say things you don't mean if that means protecting your own heart.

"Alena!" I heard a voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I'd reached the exit of the airport and stood in front of me was Emilio. I wasn't prepared for the excitement that I felt when I saw his face but the feeling was there and I was so glad because it distracted me from all the sadness I'd been feeling for a moment. I hadn't thought about it much but I had really missed him.

"Hey Em," I smiled as he put his arms out for me to give him a hug, which I didn't hesitate on doing.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"As normal as a girl can feel after being cheated on," I laughed, trying to make a joke out of the situation."

"I don't like to say it but I-"

"You told me so?" I interrupted, knowing he had been right about the thing we had fallen out about in the first place.

He didn't say yes but he smiled as if he was agreeing with the sentence I had finished for him. Then, taking the suitcase trolley from me, he started to lead the way to the exit of the airport, turning around every now and then to make sure I was still close behind him.

I kept up with Emilio, however when we got to the doors of the airport, I got stopped by a couple of girls. One of them wore a Ferrari cap so before they began to explain why they'd stopped me, it wasn't difficult to understand why seen as in the eyes of the public I was still known as 'Charles' girlfriend'.

"Sorry for stopping you, please may we have a photo with you Alena?" The girl with the cap asked politely, whilst the other stood next to her, with the phone in her hand ready for a picture.

"Of course you can" I smiled.

Once we took the photo, the girls thanked me, then rushed over to a woman and man, who I guessed were their parents, giggling between themselves. It allowed me to then turn my attention back to Emilio, who had walked over to his car and packed my bags into it. That meant one less job for me.

Barcelona was very pretty and when we got closer to where Emilio was living, the streets got narrower as the buildings got taller. The homes were all different colours, all pastel colours of course. It was only when we left the narrow road that the houses returned to more neutral colours.

It didn't take much longer until we reached the house that I would be staying in, Emilio's house, and it wasn't small but it also wasn't huge. It had two small balconies on the top floor of the house and one of these had a couple of chairs on it with a small wooden table, which was quite cute. Some vines ran up the front of the house and within these vines were small hibiscus flowers, red ones in particular.

"Cute place Em" I said to him as he opened the front door, putting his hand behind me after, to guide me in.

"See why I live here now?" He laughed.


I did love the place and as I said it was cute but I felt so out of place being here. I came to escape all of my problems but my shoulders still felt heavy, if anything even heavier than they had done before I'd left Monaco. I was probably just home sick though. Yeah, home sick.

After I'd had a look at the rooms downstairs, I made my way upstairs to the room Emilio had directed me to. When I walked in, the room smelt floral and the look of it matched its smell as the bed sheets had flower patterns on and there were multiple plants around the room. It was very me, that was for sure. I loved flowers and plants, I had so many around my own house at home.

The room was gorgeous and I did want to sit in it for the rest of the day after I had unpacked but the more I laid in peace, the more I gave myself a chance to think again. Thinking led to that same home sick feeling and I realised that giving myself time to think was probably not the best idea so decided going out and exploring a little didn't sound that bad.

I said my goodbye to Emilio and set off on my lone walk, with just myself and my music. Barcelona was actually warmer than Monaco right now so before I'd left, I had changed outfit, and so now wore a small white sundress, which cut off just above my knees. I paired it with some light brown sandals and a gold anklet, just adding that little bit of jewellery as it always made every outfit better.

Harry Styles decided to play as I walked down the street we had drove down earlier, the narrow one with the houses. I wanted to skip the songs so bad as they reminded me of Charles, but I also didn't want to for the exact same reason. I'd believed we were so good yet and we had so many good timed together so why did he have to be so stupid and disloyal.

I couldn't figure out in my head why he had strayed from our relationship. Pierre had said he had cheated in Australia. We weren't exactly together in Australia but there were clearly feelings there and there was the kiss on the boat so if something had gone off there, it was still disrespectful. It was even more disrespectful since he had said nothing had happened there multiple times to me.

Austria we were obviously definitely together. Was it really that easy for him to go to another girl? Did he actually go for another girl or was this all a misunderstanding? It couldn't of been a misunderstanding because Pierre wouldn't lie and why was Charles showing up so much and begging if it wasn't true.

As I went to change the song, because my phone was now playing Matilda and that obviously didn't help, I noticed a few notifications on my phone. One was from an unknown number, one was from Lily and another was from Lewis.

Lily's was a normal 'I hope you are okay, I'm here for you.'

Lewis said 'I didn't know anything was happening, I really didn't think he'd do such thing towards you, sorry Alena. Invitation for you to come to London whenever you want is open at all times.'.

However the unknown number was much longer than any of the other messages and it was obvious who it was from. His number was blocked, as was all his socials. Clearly what I'd said wasn't enough for him to get the hint. It read...

"Ma cherie, did you really mean it? Do you not love me?

I love you ever so much and there is an explanation, I just don't know how to give the explanation. It isn't as bad as it seems, please believe me.

I never looked at anyone the same as you, I can't look at another girl like I can you, angel. I didn't mean any of this to happen, please Lena don't leave me hanging. It breaks me that you are hurting but I don't mean any of this hurt. I am just stupid.

Please believe me. I'm sorry."

I read it all but I didn't know how much to believe and maybe, as much as he tried, we just weren't meant for each other. No begging or pleading could change what was meant to be and not meant to be. I fought back how much I wanted to reply and decided to give it some time because I needed the time to sort my head out.

But right now sorry wasn't good enough.

Writers note
Charles pole todayyyy!! Can't even watch sprint or race because i'm at work (,:

What does Charles mean by 'it isn't as bad as it seems..

Anyways hi, hope you like <3

~ Mel x

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