Chapter 66

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Last night did end up going alright in the end as Pierre stayed quiet for the rest of the meal and Daniel just made casual conversations about holidays and family. I don't know if Luis caught on to anything because he didn't ask any more questions about their jobs and he didn't ask me who Charles was, not even when we got home.

Pierre had annoyed me so much because I was so glad to see him and Daniel but he decided to come and do the one thing I hoped he never would. He brought Charles up and not just once. The way he'd gone on outside the restaurant frustrated me because I know he's close with Charles but it isn't fair for him to make excuse like 'Isabella told me Charles cheated.'

"Morning Lena," Daniel said as he walked into the Kitchen where I was sat alone because nobody else was awake yet.

"Morning Danny."

"Pierre told me what was said outside, I'm sorry. I don't think he meant any of it in a bad way because you do know that we all care about you right?"

"Yes I do know that. You don't have to make excuses for Pierre though, he was clearly just acting like that because he doesn't like Luis. You know, like you don't like him either..." I said.

"It's not that we don't like him, we just feel like it's not the real thing. I'm sorry to bring it up but the way you were with Charles, your eyes sparkled when you spoke about him and you just looked happier," Daniel explained. "I'm not saying Charles is the one for you but I don't think Luis is. On calls with us before you avoid speaking about him, all you used to do was speak about Charles. Even last night the interactions looked so awkward... I don't know Lena"

"I don't know how to really respond, Danny" I pouted, confused at what he'd said.

"You don't need to respond, enjoy it but I just hope he is around for the right reasons and not because you just needed someone temporarily."

I believe I like Luis. He's nice to me, he made that effort of sending flowers until I finally accepted to go on a date. He's just good I guess. It's normal not to have lots of things you love about someone after only two months though right?

I mean after having Charles around for two months I liked his hair and the way it fell when he didn't put gel in it. I loved his eyes and how you could get lost in them. The cologne he used, his glasses he wore every now and then. The way he stroked my hair and how it made me fall asleep faster. How he loves Italian food as much as I do. The way he called me ma cheríe, angel, beautiful. That's gone now though and he was my boyfriend too so it was normal for me to love that many things.

"Alena, you good?" Daniel asked, pulling me out of that weird trance I'd gone int.

I didn't realise that my eyes had started to water. It was probably because I'd kept them open too long or something. I wiped my eyes and nodded my head at Daniel with a smile on my face. I'm hoping that looked like a genuine smile.

"Morning Hermosa," Luis said as he appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning Luis, would you like breakfast?"

"Sí," He smiled.

Pierre and Emilio both woke in time for the pancakes that I had placed in the middle of the kitchen counter. Emilio licked his lips as he eyed them up; pancakes have always been his favourite breakfast dish. Like me, he always put nutella on them. It was just so good when it melted.

"God that looks so unhealthy, we wouldn't be able to eat that with our diet," Pierre said, looking at the pancakes with nutella. "It looks so good though, I'm jealous."

"Can people who drive super cars not eat stuff like this?" Luis asked Pierre.

Weirdly, Emilio shot Luis a glare when he said this. It was very unusual because he didn't say anything wrong. Pierre had obviously said last night that him and Daniel drover 'super cars' so it was just a normal question for Luis to ask.

"Who said they drive super cars?" Emilio laughed awkwardly, looking between my two friends and Luis.

"I told him at dinner, we were just talking about jobs and stuff," Pierre answered before turning his attention to Luis. "But no we aren't allowed to eat unhealthy things, we have to work out a lot because of like...the running we also do for our job."

I expected Pierre to drop me in it a little more then, but he actually made up a complete lie to cover for me. I could tell that he tried his best on that one as he looked at me after for approval on what he had said. I still wasn't the happiest with him but I gave him a small smile so he knew that I appreciated the effort.

Once done with breakfast, me and Emilio were washing up the plates. Daniel, Pierre and Luis had gone through to the living room to watch some television. We were just about to finish when I heard the noise of YouTube opening. The only time I went onto YouTube was when I wanted to watch highlights of Formula 1 weekends. That's why when I heard the noise of YouTube I had the urge to rush into the room and turn it off.

However, when I got into the room the suggested screen was already up and lucky me, Pierre's face was the first thing on it. Luis looked at Pierre and back at the screen and if it wasn't obvious before, it was obvious now that Pierre and Daniel's jobs were much more than driving super cars around 'testing them'.

"Formula 1?" Luis asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I laughed, not wanting to say anything else on it.

"What is it, because by the views on the video it seems like you're known Pierre? Daniel, you too?" He turned his questioning towards them.

"Something like that," Daniel shrugged.

"Yeah something like that." Pierre added.

Writers note
I want to just give a special mention to Ruby, who proof read most chapters and pushes me to post them more regularly at the moment (,:

Enjoy the chapter <3

-Mel x

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