Chapter 19

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Before I got out of the car, I shut myself back in so that I could undress to put my bikini on underneath my clothes. I trusted Charles not to open the car and he didn't try to once but once I got out of the car with the bikini underneath my clothes I then had to repay the favour and allow him to get changed in the car.

When he got out he began walking towards the sand after he had locked the car and I followed behind him at a slow pace. The feeling of the sand between my toes never failed me when I went to any beach as I liked the feeling of the sand engulfing my feet every time I took a step. We walked in silence for a little while, only the noise of the distant waves being heard but the noise of the waves got louder as we made our way closer to them.

I knew we were in our swimming outfits but I was really hoping he would change his mind on going swimming because the fact it was dark made me nervous. I liked going in open water but also hated it because I believe you never really know what's in there with you and you always hear about those people being dragged out to sea as well.

I figured that he wasn't going to change his mind as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his bare chest. I knew Charles would be physically fit because of the sport he does and the fact that he goes to the gym quite a lot in the week but I didn't expect his muscles to be so defined. His abs seemed like they were sculpted by the gods themselves. I tried not to stare but as you can imagine it was pretty impossible to avoid doing, he definitely had the physical attractiveness.

"Don't drool over me Pavelli" he said, laughing as he sent a wink in my direction. Those words got me weak at the knees as the way my last name rolled off his tongue at this moment in time sounded even better than when he usually said it. "Let's go in"

I knew by go in he was referring to the water as he soon took his shoes off and made his way into the water, where smalls waves were overlapping each other. I took off my shirt and shorts, following the foot path he had left into the water, whilst I tied my hair I to a bun to try and avoid it getting salt water in it. If I avoided getting the sea water in my hair then it meant that when I got back in the shower later I wouldn't have to wash it again, for the second time today.

Charles kept going further into the water and he clearly had no fear about what was in the water, even though it was dark and neither of us could see anything but I felt a little more aware of our surroundings. When I waded further into the water I could feel stones beneath my feet and I moved my arms around to ensure that there was nothing around me. If it was daytime I would be less paranoid right now about being in the water.

"Charles, can you not go so far away from me" I said, raising my voice enough so that he could hear me. I saw him stop making his way further into the water, instead turning back and coming closer. As he did this I felt something against my leg and jumped out of my skin. I don't know why I agreed to this, it seemed like a good idea but not after I just felt something slimy go past me. I worries obviously and shouted Charles' name with a clear hint of panic in my voice.

"What's up?" he asked me and as he said this I felt the slimy feeling again. You would think that I would run out of the water but instead I ran further in to where Charles was.

I gripped onto Charles' shoulders and attempting to get myself out of the water I wrapped my legs around him. When I did this I wasn't really thinking because my nerves overtook me until I noticed him laughing.

"Why are you laughing, something touched me Charles" I scolded him, still holding onto his body not wanting my feet to touch the sea floor "i'm being honest, it was something slimy." He continued to laugh making me even more annoyed at him not taking me seriously.

"It's nothing" he smiled, really trying to hold in his laugh "Lena, ma cherí, it's sea weed."

"Oh I hate this" I said, unlatching myself from him, coming back to reality after I'd worried so much. He looked at me as I stood in front of him and moved my hair out of my face, which had ended up getting wet when I had ram over to him.

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