Chapter 18

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Nothing else significant happened through the remainder of the day as the boys had conferences to do as per usual and me and Lily decided it would be less boring to go back to the hotel rather than stand waiting. Unlike Bahrain, Saudi had less to do after the race as the bar area shut quite soon after qualifiers finished meaning we couldn't sit in there to wait.

When we arrived back at the hotel, we decided to part ways and go into our own rooms as Lily was quite tired and I just wanted to chill out for a little. As I was on the corner, I didn't have a balcony to sit on in this hotel room but I did have an extremely wide window, which I opened as far as it could go before it stopped due to locks attached to it. I pulled one of the chairs along the floor in the hotel room until it was beside the window, so that I could sit with the breeze from outside still being able to reach me.

The breeze was quite chilly, which didn't reflect how warm it actually was outside the hotel. Due to the fact I had been outside almost all day, the breeze actually felt nice, even though it did give me goosebumps up and down my arms. As the air pushed itself through the gaps in the window, it continued to move my hair out of my face, every now and then blowing it into my face, where a strand of hair would then stick to my lipgloss, which wasn't annoying at all.

I had the perfect view of the side street, which the cars would come down that were entering the hotels garage. Every now and then i'd see a supercar making it's way down the street, some looking quite posh and others looking like the driver would be ready for a race. I watched out the window for a good half an hour or maybe even longer, watching the cars and also everything that was going off above me, such as the birds that were flying past.

The pista, Charles' pista was the next car that I saw pull down the street and unlike the other cars it stood out a lot more to me. It was a nice car, everyone would agree with me on that. That meant that the boys were probably done with their conferences and business at the circuit for the day and I soon realised I could hear people I the hallway, which confirmed my thought straight away.

I shut the window as I got up from the chair and made my way over to the wardrobe in my room so that I could get out of the clothes that I had been sweating in all day. Once I had undressed, I wrapped a towel around me so that I wasn't walking round the hotel room fully naked as I set out things on the bed so that when I got out of the shower I could get changed straight away.

Once I laid everything out I made my way into the bathroom, where the shower had already been heating up ready for me as I had turned it on before setting the stuff up on the bed. I let the towel fall to my feet before stepping into the bath tub, under the shower head, allowing the water to drip down me from head to toe.

I felt like I was in the shower for ages as I liked the feeling of the cool water against my skin. When in such a hot country, cool water was like heaven as you felt less groggy and sweaty. Also, it meant that when you got out the shower you wouldn't be freezing as the room temperature was actually warmer than the shower.

As if it was on queue to my shower ending, I heard a knock on the door and went to open it until I remember I was only in a towel and was dripping wet.

"Hold on a minute" I said, loud enough so that the person on the other side of the door could hear me. "Shit shit shit"

I grabbed some underwear from the drawers, putting it on as quick as possible before grabbing out some shorts and a shirt from the wardrobe. I put the shorts on and shirt, buttoning a few buttons on the shirt. In the rush to get the door open, I didn't realise the top button wasn't fully done up.

I opened the door and honestly expected Lily to be stood behind it but instead stood Charles. Here I was stood, still wet, half dressed, looking at Charles, who didn't seem to be looking up at my face.

"Yes?" I asked him, making him snap his head up to look at me.

He looked a little flustered as he tried to speak but his eyes kept diverting away from my face, which confused me slightly until I looked down and noticed the top of my chest showing. I was definitely glad I had a bra on and I was glad he was blocking anyone's view from the doorway.
I turned around, allowing him in before shutting the door quickly and buttoning the top button.

"That was my fault" I said.

"Erm, yeah" he laughed, only just getting his words out. "Sooo, what you doing?"

I thought Charles was a little smarter than how he was acting. It was pretty clear I had just been in the shower as my hair showed it all as it was still dripping water droplets down the back of my shirt. I didn't think that through well either, my shirt was white and my bra was red, and water make white white see through. Then again, I didn't know it was Charles.

"I was showering, why do you ask?"

"I'm bored, fancy changing that for me?" he said but then he soon realised how bad it sounded when I stood there not answering him. "Oh, not like that" he laughed "I mean let's have fun, in some form. Some form that's completely pg"

"Okay, and how do you suppose we have fun mr leclerc?"

I saw him thinking for the answer to my question and I hoped that he'd come up with a good idea as I wasn't planning on doing anything that was very fun myself tonight.

"How about we...go on a drive" he said "but with a destination at mind, I have one in mind."

"Okay, I'm in"

"Get something to swim in, ma cherí" he said and unlike before those words sent a shiver down my spine. I looked back at him in confusion wondering why I needed something to swim in.

"Charles, I've just been in the shower" I said back to him, pointing out the obvious.

"I know, I can tell and you've told me but do you want to have fun or not?"

I didn't argue back with him and grabbed a bikini from my suitcase. I didn't unpack my bikinis like my I did my clothes as I wasn't expecting to go swimming anywhere but I brought them just in case. In this case it was good I packed them for this moment.

Before we left the hallway that our rooms were located on, Charles headed back to his room, which I'm guessing was to pick up some swimming clothes for himself. In the hallway, I saw Pierre as he was going to one of the rooms and he gave me a funny look when he saw Charles re emerge from his room, with swim shorts in his hand. I gave him a look that indirectly said 'i'll tell you later' but I had no clue what I was going to be telling him.

Entering the hotels garage, Charles showed me to where his car was parked and opened the passenger door for me to get in before walking round the the drivers seat. I loved the noise the car made whenever it started. It made a rumbling noise and I felt the vibration through my feet on the floor of the car, which sent tingling feelings up my legs.

Charles didn't need to put the gps on to where we were going and we set off through the streets of Saudi. It wasn't very late as it was only 10 but the streets were quite busy with people in the bars and we were stopping behind cars quite a lot until we got onto a long straight road. Charles pushed his foot down on the accelerator, which the car immediately responded to as the speed picked up straight away.

I looked over to Charles, seeing his eyes move to the corner of his eyes to look at me every few minutes.

"You like what you see?" he joked, noticing me looking at him too. I don't think anyone wouldn't like what they saw when it got to Charles and if they did then they were probably blind but he knew that anyway.

"No, you like what you see" I said, returning his question back to him but as a statement. I wasn't that full of myself but I thought it was funny with Charles as we were nothing more than friends and he'd not take it seriously.

The fast drive continued until he slowed down slightly, turning the car into a car park, which was empty. He turned the headlights off, turning the engine of the car off before exiting the car.I went to open my door but he beat me to it and as I got out of the car I noticed we were at some type of beach. I think i'd figured out what the bikini was needed for now.

Writers note
I know this is a shorter chapter but I wanted to end it at that point so I can base next chapter solely off of one thing:) x


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