How we got here...

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"Way to stick a landing Annie,your totally getting that solo spot at states!" Yelled coach from the sidelines

Annie smiled,she loved knowing she had done well.

"Okay blue elites,that's it for today. Annie can you and your momma meet me in my office?"

"Sure!mom come on!"

"Okay okay I'm coming!" Said katie as Annie pulled on her

Coach beamed "I have really,really good news!"

"Is it the news?" Asked katie

"It's that news!!" Replies coach

"What news?i didn't know about any news?!"

"Your going to Olympic trials!"

"Really!!!Oh My God!

"Your plane leaves Friday."

"Who's going with me?" Asked Annie

"That's what we wanted to talk about. You have to go to Iowa to live with a family."

"So have to go alone?" Asked Annie who now looked more serious

"'ll be living with Mary and Jason Rickman." Said coach

"Is there daughter Jenna Rickman? The famous gymnast who cheated on the bars?" Asked Annie

"Yep that's her..." Said coach

"She did such a bad thing,she'll never compete again." Said katie

"Well she did change the scores." Said Annie


They go home to tell the family Annie's news.

"Caleb,Hayley we have something to tell you." Said katie

Hayley who was 11 now and much more mature was sitting texting her best friend not even paying attention. Caleb was 17 and still had the same boyish humor he hid when he was 12,and he was more into making sure he got the baseball scholarship go college.

"What is it?" Asked Hayley who was know paying attention

"Annie is going to the Olympic trials." Said billy(daddy)

"Really Annie?! Shouted Hayley who was hugging her

"That's cool Annie. I'm really happy for you." Said Caleb

"But if she makes it to the Olympics,she will have to go to Great Britain. That's where they are being held this year."
"Mom,can you come in here for a minute?" Asked Annie who was sitting on the edge of bed.

"Yes honey."

"What if don't make it to the Olympics,will you hate me?like Jenna's parents hate her?"

"No,no neither me or daddy would ever hate you. Just try your best and you will do well Annie."

"And if I make it?"

"We will still love you but probably a little more cuz you will be a celebrity." Said katie laughing

"And if I don't make it." Said Annie in a more serious tone

"Then we'll come home and watch together. Have a celebration that you were even invited and start training for the next Olympics." Replied katie

That's why Annie loves her mom so much,she can make the any situation better or less scary.

My first Bratayley FanFiction!

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