Or remain the same...

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"Okay everyone! Great practice,Annie please stay a little bit to talk to me." Said tyler

"Ok. What do we need to talk about?" Asked Annie

"You've been here for a few months now and the trials are in two weeks." He said

"Yea?" Said Annie,confused

"You need to perform better. Your tricks are great,but the passion has got to be there."

"I'm working really hard-" said Annie

"Let me ask you this,do you remember watching Olympic trials as a little girl." He asked


"And do you remember who you thought was amazing?"


"Be that girl. Millions of little girls will be watching. Don't disappoint them." Said tyler

Annie leaves the gym,disappointed that she hadn't done as well she had expected.

She was was waiting in line to get Starbucks. She ordered a caramel frappe with extra whipped cream. She was sitting at a table drinking her drink and working on school work when someone came up behind her.

"Guess who it is!"

"The president of the United States?" Said Annie,jokingly
"Hi will."

"hey Annie."

"So I have two tickets to see the football game on Friday night,and I don't want to go alone,so if you want the other ticket you can have it." Said will

"Sure.sounds great!" Said Annie

Had she really accepted an offer for a date when she already had a boyfriend,they were just friends right?

Later was talking to Luke on the phone.

Luke- "So what are you doing on Saturday?"

Annie-"I don't know."

Luke-"cuz I was just thinking to about coming see my girl."

Annie-"uh you can't I'm busy."

Luke-"but you just said you don't know what your doing on Saturday."

Annie-"well I just remembered I had something to do."

Luke-"is everything alright?you sound weird?"

Annie-"yes Lukey everything is fine.i love you."

Luke-"I love you Anna banana."

The hang out date with will went great. They ate pizza and went to the football game. Annie still wondered why he had asked her on this date. Should she tell him about Luke?

"So I think there's something I need to tell you." Said Annie


"I have a boyfriend back home. His name is Luke and we've been dating for 5 months. I'm really sorry will I hope we can be friends." Said Annie

Will Anderson's face dropped with disappointment,he had just lost the girl of his dreams.

"It was nice meeting you Annie." Said will
Then he walked away...


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