The journey begins...

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Annie is leaving for Iowa today. Her closet family and friends are throwing her a going away party.

All the cousins and friends where in Annie's room.

"So Annie,are you excited?" Asked her cousin Mary Kate

"Yea" Replied Annie

"I bet your sad to leave your boyfriend! Said Caleb,jokingly

"Yea,but we still talk right,Luke?" Said Annie
Luke and Annie had been dating for a few months now and they really liked each-other

"Speaking of talk,can we talk in private,please." Said Luke

"Sure!" Replied Annie
Annie was perky on the outside,but on the inside she was worried. What if Luke broke up with her,she was going away for a long time.

"Okay,what do you need to talk to me about." Asked Annie

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm really gonna miss you and I that really like you. And I wanted to give you this."
He gave her a charm bracelet with a little heart charm on it and it was engraved. On the back of the heart it said shoot for the moon

"Oh Luke,I love this so much! Thank you!"

"Now don't go get yourself a boy from Iowa." Said Luke

"I won't Lukey,don't worry." Said Annie,smiling

"And when you come home,I promise I'll be right here."

And just then,Luke leaned in and kissed Annie. Her first kiss. And now she had to leave.

"Call me as soon as you land in Iowa. If you can't find Jenna and her family,go find the nearest airport worker and tell them." Said katie

"Mom they said they will be there like 2 hours early." Said Annie

"Well it's time for you to go." Said billy

"Caleb,Hayley.i promise i will call you guys every day. I love you guys so much." Said Annie,hugging her brother and sister

"I love you too Annie." Said Hayley

"I love you." Said Caleb

"Flight 104 to west de Moines, Iowa now boarding." Said a voice over the loud speaker

"Bye you guys. Not bye just see you later." Said Annie

Annie boarded the plane,ready for another chapter in her life to begin..

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