Welcome to your temporary home...

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The plane ride from Maryland to took about 2 hours. They had set it up that a flight attendant would check up on her every few minutes,Annie was not very fond of that idea. She was going to Olympic trials,she could ride on a plane by herself. She sat there watching 2 hour movie and eating a little bag of roasted peanuts and drank a sprite.

I finally feel independent she thought.
She looked around at the other people on the plane,there was a family with 3 kids and a baby. Those kids were very loud and rowdy. But Annie couldn't help but miss her family. She remembered Hayley's first time on a plane and how momentous it had been. She really hoped Hayley wouldn't be sad while she was away.

By the time she was finished thinking about her family,the plane had landed in Iowa and she was directed to meet the RickMans.
"Annie! Hello sweetheart! How was your plane ride?" Asked Mary RickMan

"Fine" replied Annie
Mary Rickman was a blonde headed lady with blue eyes and a nice smile. Standing beside her was her husband,Jason.

"Hi Annie nice to meet you." Said Jason,shaking Annie's hand firmly

"This is our daughter,Jenna."

"Hey Jenna!" Said Annie

"Hi." Said Jenna in an annoyed voice
Jenna was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes,just like her mom. She didn't seem happy,like at all.

"So Annie,what's it to know your training for the Olympics?" Asked mary

"Exciting I guess." Said Annie

"Come on mom,just ask me. I went too,remember?" Said Jenna

"I know sweetheart." Said her mom

When they arrived at the house,Annie took a short nap. when she woke up Mary said Jenna was going to show her around the town,including the super market she worked at.

She showed her around and Annie like the little town. She walked into the little local supermarket and the first thing she saw was a guy. A really cute guy.

"Hey will!" Said Jenna who sounded happier now

"Who's your friend Jen?" Asked will

"Hi I'm Annie."

"She's staying with us cuz she's training for the Olympics." Said Jenna

"Oh ok,so I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you,Annie." Said will,with a grin

"Yes you will,will." Says Annie,giggling.

Will Annie forget about like? Will Jenna's attitude toward Annie change?
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