The bestfriend

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After the Olympics,Annie went back to Maryland. She would spend a few weeks at her home just relaxing with family and friends before she would start training again. She also had to do events with famous people and kids and schools. Annie was okay with that,but all she wanted to do was see liv. She had missed her so much. Olivia hadn't gotten to come to japan because she had a meet the same weekend. She had been very upset about it.

"Annie!" Liv ran through the door and hugged Annie tightly

"I missed you so much!"

"I thought I would never see you again!"

"I'm so glad your home!!" Liv was still hugging her

"Me too!"

"Let's talk."

"How was Iowa."

"I got tackled by a girl named Daniella." Giggled Annie

"Oh my god."

"Yea she tried to cheat at the Olympics and I tried to tell on her."

"I didn't win at states. In fact I didn't win at anything."


"Yeah. After you left,I missed you so much it started affecting my performance. I couldn't do it without you there." Liv said,crying.

"Awe liv! That's so sad!"

"I just missed my best friend. I'm glad I have her back."

"Now let's talk boys."

"Well I do have a date for tomorrow night." Said liv

"I have an idea." Grinned Annie

"What is it?"

"what's his name?" Asked Annie

"Jake." Replied Olivia

"Me,Luke,you,and jake. Double date. Dave and busters at 7:30.

The next day
Liv had done Annie's and her hair for their double date. She wore a pencil shirt and a lacy purple top. Annie wore jeans and the jersey that Luke had given to her.

"Annie!Luke is here for your date!"

"Woah Annie you look great." Said Luke as he walked in.

"I'm just wearing jeans and a jersey."

"But you look beautiful in anything you wear baby."

Annie,Olivia,Luke,and jake all went to Dave and busters.
"I want pizza!" Said liv

"Me too." Said Annie

"So Annie,Olivia tells me you were in the Olympics."

"Yes I was.but your on a date with liv so why don't you talk to her while Luke and I go play games."


Luke and Annie played skee ball and whack a mole until they had enough tickets for Luke to get Annie the giant monkey she wanted.

"I'll always remember this night." Said Luke as he gave Annie a long kiss.

"Who says it has to end?"

I promise you guys I don't want the ending of this chapter to be inappropriate or dirty,so give me ideas to help make it better❤️

Thanks for reading...
Until next time...

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