MSMC Bk 1-Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Dealing with Marley's brother

My ride back to the compound was lonely and long. After leaving Marley, I felt slightly lost inside. My mind wandered over everything we had talked about today. As soon as I got back I wanted to talk to Rooster and Circuit about looking for her brother, Randy. That bastard needed to die! I also want to hunt down his friend Gilbert and the Mexicans who had bought her.

I also wanted to talk to him about maybe helping Papa Joe to add an extension on to their house so that they could accept more kids. Maybe if he would allow us on to the land, I would be able to spend more time with Marley. Papa Joe and Mama Mae may think that hiding girls away from men was the best way to handle the situation and in some cases it might be best to help them begin their recovery but in the long run, they needed to be exposed to the opposite sex so that they could regain their confidence around men that would never harm them. They needed to learn that not all men were like their abusers.

It took me almost double the time to get back than it took me to get to town but this morning I had been pushing the speed limit and this time, I was just cruising, wishing I could turn around and go back to Marley.

When I pulled into the compound, it seemed like everyone was here. Being Saturday meant that there would be a party tonight and the music was already fairly loud. Several sweet butts were standing out on the porch, smoking and talking and drinking beers. I groaned when I saw Sheila. She was a pest, like a mosquito in your ear when you are trying to go to sleep. She would hit on me every damned time and I never gave her the time of day. Hell, I never looked twice at any of the sweet butts that came around but they all seemed to want me to bed them, hoping that I would choose them to be my old lady. NOT HAPPENING! Especially since I had met Marley.

As soon as I stepped up on the porch, just as I expected, Sheila sauntered over to me. "Hey Hunter. Welcome home!" She said, trying to kiss me. Sheila was about 5'9" but with the impossibly high heels she wore, she stood over 6 ft. tall. She was skinny as a stick, with small boobs and almost no hips but she was very attractive in the face but I suspected that was because she was a makeup magician.

"Back off, Sheila. I'm in no mood for your BS." I told her harshly.

"Oh? What's the matter, love? Anything I can help with? You know I can make you feel so good." She purred.

"Just don't want your skanky ass anywhere near me. That goes for all of you sweet butts. I've found my woman and have no interest in being with any of you so stay the hell away from me." I said, shaking Sheila's hands off and continuing on into the house.

"What the hell?" I heard Sheila yell.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer then carried it over to where Rooster and Boomer were sitting.

"Hey, the lover boy is back. How was your trip to the park?" Rooster began teasing me right off the bat.

"Good for the most part. Enjoyable, interesting, informative and unnerving at the same time. One of the "men" that was supposed to be there to adopt, tried to molest a little girl but she managed to get away and Papa Joe broke his nose with one hit and laid him out cold with another. Found out more about who hurt Marley. While your wife took out the man who scarred her, it was her own brother and a friend of his that stole her v-card and I want your permission to use Circuit to help me find him. Then I'm not going to ask anyone for permission before I go and take him out." I reported shortly.

"What? It was Snake that hurt Marley? Damn!" Rooster said.

"Yeah. I haven't seen it yet but I felt it. Her back is all scared from where he whipped her and she said she's got scars on her legs as well from where he would cut her with that big ass knife he carried. Liked to make her bleed and then would hold her legs against him while he raped her. If she didn't scream loud enough, he would squeeze the cuts to make her scream. Laughed, saying he loved the sound of her screaming. It took almost everything in me to not punch out every tree in the park.

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