MSMC Bk 1- Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-The Rescue Farm kids go home

The next morning, I woke up alone in bed and wondered where Hunter had gone. I got up and went to use the bathroom and get ready to go downstairs. Just as I finished tying my sneakers up, Hunter came in and said "Oh, you're awake. Good. We're going to ride over to the Farm and make sure it's okay for them to go home. We should be back in a couple of hours. When we get back, do you want to go to the hardware store for paint samples? I got a text from Bill and he said the contract is ready and he said he's coming down this weekend for us to review it and if we agree, we can sign and it will be ours."

"Wow! That's great! Oh, I can hardly wait!" I said happily.

"Well, breakfast is ready. Let's go get something to eat and then I've got to go. Papa Joe is really anxious to get going. He's already got everyone's stuff loaded up." Hunter smiled at me.

"Are you going to call him if the place is clear?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Hunter wanted to know.

"Well, I was thinking I would ride back with them so that I can collect the rest of my stuff and empty my room there. Then they will have the room ready for the next person coming in. I don't have much left but I need all of my clothes from there." I said.

"Okay. Is my bike going to be able to carry it all or should I take one of the trucks?" Hunter asked.

"No, it will all fit, I think. Maybe someone can help us if it's more than will fit in your saddle bags?" I asked.

"That works for me. I'm sure one of the brothers won't have a problem with it." Hunter said.

We went down to breakfast and everyone was rather subdued. I sat down next to Charlie and she looked so upset. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

"Cruise wants me to stay and go back with him and Papa Joe said no. Says I have to finish school and turn 18 first." Charlie whispered back, on the verge of tears.

"Papa Joe is only looking out for your best interest, Charlie. Are you sure you don't want to graduate in January?" I asked and saw her perk up.

"I've always wanted to walk with my class but if it means I get to be with Cruise, then I will do it. I already have enough credits. I just have to take my final exams." Charlie said, getting excited.

"Well, if you can pass those exams, then I'll talk to Papa Joe and try to get him to let you go before you turn 18. In the meantime, you and Cruise can talk on the phone and facetime and keep getting to know each other. How's that sound?" I told her.

"That sounds great! Oh, Marley, you just turned things around for me. Thank you so much!" Charlie said.

"Well, I just promised to do the best I can. Papa Joe can sometimes be very stubborn but I think I can convince Mama Mae and Aunt Chris and with the three of us on your side, you stand a good chance of being free to go wherever you want in just a couple of months." I told her. "Find out all you can about Cruise in the meantime. You've only known him for one night and you might find out things that will change your mind about him once you get to know him."

"You know how you said you took one look at Hunter and just knew that he is the one for you? Well, that's how I feel about Cruise. Something tells me that he is the one for me." Charlie said and I couldn't argue with her.

"I do hope you are right, Charlie. What Hunter and I have is rare but that doesn't mean you haven't found the same. Does he know why you are leaving and what happened to you?" I asked.

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