MSMC Bk 1-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-Losing Ox and Tango

Rooster walked down the hall and unlocked Gary's room and told him to follow him down to Jimmy's room, then went to Jimmy's room and unlocked the door. They walked in and Gary asked, "What's up, Prez? What was all the shooting about?"

"Snake shot Ox and Tango and when we left the compound, they attacked because they thought we had all left Charlie here alone." He told them and watched their eyes get huge. "Snake is dead along with at least a dozen of his men. I want you to come outside and see if you can tell us who any of them are. Tomorrow we are going to go get your sisters and end the rest of that crew. What do you think of that?" Rooster asked and then was shocked when Jimmy ran to him and threw his arms around him.

"Thank you so much!" Jimmy began to cry and then seemed to realize what he had done and immediately let go and jumped back. "Sorry. I'm just so relieved and grateful. I can't tell you what this means to me. Anything you ever need me to do, just say the word and it's done."

Gary just had a smile from ear to ear but Rooster could tell, it was all he could do not to jump up and down like a girl. He had often wondered about these two as they never really seemed to be attracted to the sweet butts like most of the other prospects and they were always together when they were "off duty".

"Well, come on. I want to know if you can ID any of these guys and then Dixie and I are going to the hospital. I'm not going to have you on lock down anymore but one step out of line and it's going to mean the end of your time with our club. Betray us again and it will be the end of your time on this earth. Understand?"

"I understand, Prez!" First Gary and then Jimmy acknowledged. They followed him outside and over to the shed. The bodies were lined up on the ground and some of the men were gathering wood while others were digging a large hole behind the shed. Using a flashlight, Gary and Jimmy walked down the line of men and identified the VP, Enforcer and Sergeant of Arms of the Grave Diggers MC as well as some of their more senior members.

"It looks like most of the really mean ones are here. There's only two that are missing. Buster and Kinks. They are sick bastards but only do as they are told by Snake. Prez, I don't mean to push but normally Snake would check in with them every day. If they don't hear from him, they will hurt the girls. Kinks especially. There is a reason he has the name Kinks. He's a kinky, sick SOB. He likes to hear the women scream and he and Snake had all kinds of torture devices in a room in the basement."

"We're leaving right after we see Charlie off in the morning. Our friend is due to be here by 9 am but I can call him early in the morning and ask him to come earlier. We'll leave as soon as they are gone. Okay?" Rooster said.

"Do we have to wait for you to leave? Couldn't we go ahead of you? We could get to the girls and get them safe before you come in. I promise, we are not going to warn them you are coming. I just want to be sure our sisters are alright." Gary said.

"I'm not worried about you anymore except for your safety. If you show up after Snake has not checked in, you could be walking into a death trap and then you and your sisters would be in danger. No, if you go early then at least some of our men will be going with you. I might not be able to leave at all because I won't desert one of my oldest friends and his woman while they are down but will send Boomer and Hunter with you along with most of our club. We won't leave you to fend for yourself against whoever is left there. Understand?" Rooster explained.

"Yes, Prez." They both answered as they realized he was right.

"Go on and get some sleep. You'll be leaving early and taking a van to bring your sisters home. Make sure it's gassed up and ready to go. Once we leave, there will be no stopping. Also make sure there are blankets and bottles of water too. I'm going to call for Church early and you will need to be there. I want to review a map with you and all the brothers to make sure we all know where we are going, access points, etc." Rooster said.

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