MSMC Bk 1-Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-The funeral and the Mexicans attack

The next morning, we were awakened by the sound of hundreds of bikes pulling into the compound. By the time Marley and I got up, dressed and downstairs, we found that Mama Mae, Dixie and Aunt Chris were serving breakfast to the kids and all of our club members.

"Well, Good morning sleepy heads. Come eat. People are showing up by the hundreds all at once. They must have camped nearby last night. Rooster has decided to wait until everyone is here and then he's going to make the same announcement that he made yesterday." Dixie said.

Marley and I made our plates and sat down to eat and Dixie continued to explain what would happen today. "The funeral home will be bringing Ox and Tango in around 9 am. We're going to have the viewing at 11 and then the burial right afterwards. The prospects prepared the sites yesterday so we're all ready to go.

We're all wearing our cuts with black jeans and club members will have black armbands on the left arm. Hunter, for you, Boomer, Hulk and Rooster, I have longer bands for you since your biceps are so big. It would be a big help if you and Marley would stay inside and keep the line moving. We have a lot of people who are going to be going through here today.

Kids! If you guys want, you can hang out in the movie room or the playroom but please stay out from underfoot. You older girls, I hope we can count on you to help keep the little ones entertained?" Dixie asked and all of the girls nodded and said "Yes, ma'am."

"We're having a BBQ tonight. It's the only night we are supplying the food. There will be a bonfire but that will be later, after all the kids are in bed. I hope the noise doesn't keep you all up but it's kind of hard to keep over 1000 people quiet and the music will be loud. Just stay in your rooms, please. Girls, you understand why?" Dixie asked them and all the girls knew without being told. "Charlie, you have your cell phone, right? If you need anything, you just call or text me. Understand?"

"Sure Dixie. Don't worry. We'll be okay." Charlie said.

As soon as breakfast was over, the prospects got busy cleaning up the kitchen and Mama Mae and Aunt Chris got the kids all settled. The funeral home showed up right on time and had the caskets set up in no time. The prospects moved all the tables outside to the yard but the chairs were lined up in the bar for the service which would include only our club members and the Presidents of the other clubs that had shown up and their old ladies. Over 50 clubs from around the region had shown up and each one had at least 10 men and some had their old ladies. Some of them had more than 25 members. Others were single men that Ox had known or worked with in the past.

Everyone filed past the caskets and paid their respects then went back outside. The service was thankfully brief and then Rooster, Boomer, Boxer, Jailer, Hulk and I carried Ox outside followed by 6 club members who carried Tango out and everyone followed them up to the graveyard. The minister said a prayer and we sadly lowered our friends to their final resting place. Everyone dropped a handful of dirt in the graves and then the prospects filled them in as everyone walked back to the clubhouse.

The atmosphere was rather subdued for a large part of the afternoon but as the evening approached and the BBQ began, Mama Mae, Papa Joe, Aunt Chris and Bill, Marley and I made plates for the kids and took them inside. Max really wanted to go outside to see all of the bikes but we explained that it wouldn't be fair to the girls and it wasn't safe for them to be outside with all of the men there. He finally quieted down when I told him that if he behaved, we would take him to see our new house after everyone left. He finally agreed to go watch movies with the other kids. Bailey thankfully crashed out early and Tina wasn't far behind her.

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