MSMC Bk 1-Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-Hunter meets Max

Hunter's POV

The Monster Slayers MC got to the Grave Diggers compound in less than 3 hours. 2 hours later, all of the Grave Diggers were dead, the MSMC had rescued not only Jimmy and Gary's sisters, who had been beaten but not raped yet, they also found 8 other young women who had not been so lucky. We transported them to the local hospital and before the cops had arrived, the Monster Slayers were on their way home. We don't do this for recognition or thank you's or praise from putting an end to the human trafficking ring and we definitely didn't want any hassles with the cops.

Gary and Jimmy were going to stay with their sisters until they could get them settled somewhere and Rooster said that if they wanted to bring them back to the club house, they would be welcome and both boys said they would think about it. Both boys were out of school now and old enough to get jobs but they really have no clue how hard it is going to be to try and get a place to live and to raise two teenage girls. I was pretty sure they were going to end up coming back to us.

Now that we don't have to focus on the mission ahead, all I could think about was Marley. When would I be able to see her again? Would she let me hold her again? Maybe even let me kiss her? I had wanted to so badly earlier but knew it would have scared her away if I had tried anything more than the chaste kiss on the cheek that we had shared. My dick was getting hard just thinking about her and how it had felt to have her in my arms. I had not wanted to let her go.

Unfortunately, by the time we got back, I got a shower, Rooster called church and afterwards we all had dinner. By then it was too late to call her and when I checked my phone, she had not tried to contact me either. I sat with Rooster, Boomer at the executive members table discussing what had gone down and then about the funerals for Ox and Tango.

"They both wanted to be buried here on the compound. Before we left, I sent out an email informing our other chapters and allies of their deaths and telling them I would be contacting them with funeral arrangements. I haven't had a chance to check my emails since I got back and frankly, I'm going to wait until in the morning cause I'm dead tired tonight and just want to go fuck Dixie's brains out and then go to sleep!" Rooster said, rubbing his hand over his face.

"TMI dude." Boomer laughed at him.

"What about you, Hunter? What are you going to do about Marley?" Rooster asked me.

"What can I do? She's still afraid of men and this place is full of big scary guys. Joe won't let men even know where the Farm is located so it's not like I can go there." I said, feeling defeated before I even got a chance with her.

"How about calling and meeting her somewhere away from both places?" Rooster said.

"Who's Marley?" Boomer asked. He hadn't met Marley and had no idea of what went down earlier today.

"She is without a doubt the most perfect woman I've ever met." I said with conviction in my voice. "But she's a rescue and whoever hurt her did a really bad number on her. She's terrified of men, well, except for me it seems." I said with a very satisfied look on my face.

"They took one look at each other and you could almost see little pink hearts rising out of their heads. Then a loud noise from outside startled her and she literally jumped into Hunter's arms and held on like her life depended on it." Rooster told him and Boomer's eyebrows rose almost to his hairline and then suddenly both men were grinning at me like two big idiots.

"So yeah, I found my woman. Now help me with my problem instead of teasing me about it. I've been racking my brains all afternoon trying to figure out a way that I can be with her." I said, getting irritated.

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