MSMC Bk 1-Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-Dealing with the Moles and Contacting Papa Joe

Within 20 minutes, both prospects were in the office dressed in nothing but T-shirts and their boxers and terrified looks on their faces.

"Put your hands out." Circuit told them and they both did as instructed. Circuit strapped the wristbands on them and they looked at him in fear.

"Don't worry kid, it's just to tell your pulse rate. It will let me know if you are lying or not." Circuit said, as he sat down in front of his computer.

"First, I want to let you know that if we are away from those monitors too long, he will kill them." Gary said. He was the older of the two of them.

"Kill who?" Hunter asked.

"He's got our sisters. They are only 12 and 14 years old. He's making them be his maids but has promised not to touch them or abuse them so long as we do as he says. He said if we didn't do as he wanted, he would rape, sodomize and beat them before he killed them. We didn't have a choice. Jimmy's kid sister is the only family he has left. My sister is only 12 years old!" Gary almost cried.

"Why didn't you come to us and fess up? You know what we do. We could have gotten them out. And that girl in our clinic might not have had to suffer what they put her through!" Prez yelled as he slammed his fist on the table, mad as a hornet right now.

"Fear! We would both rather face death by your gang than have our sisters have to face what Charlie went through but worse. They would make a video of it and make us watch before they would kill them and us in the most inhumane way possible. I just couldn't deal with that. You don't understand. He's one really sick, twisted bastard." Gary said. He was trying to be brave but he was scared out of his skull right now. "If we are away from those wrist monitors for more than half an hour, he's going to know that something is up."

"Then you better talk fast. Who is it we are talking about?" Hunter wanted to know.

Gary and Jimmy looked at each other and then Gary gulped and said "Snake. He's the Prez of the Grave Diggers MC. He's got a base about a hundred miles south of here. He's got a deal with the Mexicans to get them girls for their brothels. They like them young and blonde and with blue eyes but will take them with any hair or eye color. Body size and shape doesn't really matter but if they are pure it earns them extra money."

"When was the last time you talked to your sisters?" Prez asked.

"He lets us facetime with them about once a month but we're not allowed to stay on for more than 3 minutes at a time. He's afraid of someone tracking the calls." Gary said, beginning to sweat because it was getting very close to the half hour mark.

"Last questions for now. Are you required to wear the watches while you sleep? And how many members do they have? And do you know of any of their other locations around here?" Hunter fired questions at them.

"No, we don't have to wear them while we sleep but since we both snore, he knows if we are near them. They have about 40 members if you don't count the Mexicans and no, I don't. Only patched members were allowed to go on the runs. We weren't with the club willingly. They grabbed the four of us coming home from the movies one night. They've made us do all kinds of horrible things and just to keep our sisters safe, we've done them. Look, we can talk more another time? Please don't give him a reason to hurt our sisters. Please?" Gary begged.

"Go but don't try to leave the compound or even the house. We'll be watching you and your doors will be locked at night from now on." Prez said.

They both quickly removed the pulse monitors and raced out of the room. As soon as they were gone, everyone gathered around the table. "So what do you think?" Prez asked.

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