Chapter 6

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A/N. Lets make a few people confused

"I must find out who he is!" A man said. Sitting in his office. "I need to be sure.."

The ominous figure continued to study spiderman, pictures and videos and news articles. But still he couldnt figure it out. The man let out an aggravated yell, picking up his scissors and throwing them at a photo of spiderman.

"I have to know..." he sighed. "I need to know! I need him on my side! I need him bending to my will, doing as i say!"

And the he went back to his research, angry and wanting to know even more. If spiderman was who he thought he was...


"Byers! A word in my office please!" Mr hargrove called out.

Will slammed his head down on the desk "why is it always mee!" He whined.

Mike squeezed his shoulder. "Its alright babe our shift us almost over. Go see him"

Will smiled and got up. He walked over to mr hargroves office.

"Yes boss?" Will asked, straightening his yellow tie and pushing up his glasses.

"Will, i need you to watch over my sister tonight."

"What? Sir with all due respect max is a year older than me! Why do i need to watch her?!" He asked.

"Okay i lied. I need you to watch over my house. I thought you would do it if i spoke about max but i guess not. Im going away for a week and i dont trust that little shit to look after my house. You can invite people over but no parties. And dont have sex in my house."

Will almost choked on air.
"Sir im 16!" He spluttered.

"Yeah well, you never know.
ever since you got with wheeler i have to be careful." Billy said. "Ill pay you 1000 dollars to take care of my house."

"Wow, thats a lot of money. Ill do it! Besides i havent seen max and el while. It will be nice."

"Excellent boy!" Mr hargrove laughed "ill see you at mine at 7 tonight."

Will nodded and left.

~time skip because im fucking lazy~

"Max im here! Apparently i have to babysit you!" Will called out as he closed the door behind him.

Max rushed downstairs, red hair a mess and her shirt buttoned wrong.

"H-hey dude! Long time no see! How.. how are you?" She gasped for breath.

Will looked at her. "Is el upstairs?"

"Wh-what?!!" Max said.

"HEY WILL!"  El called out from upstairs.

Will looked at max with a blank expression on his face.

"Okay maybe she is.." max said.

"Your brother told me not to let any hanky panky happen in this household"

Max looked at him. "I refuse to believe billy said hanky panky, but whatever."

Will laughed. "Im gonna cook something, you want anything?"

Max smiled, "can you make chilli? I love your chilli!"

Will sighed, "how can i say no to you, okay it will be done in 45 minutes. Im gonna ask mike to come over"

Max rolled her eyes playfully, she then ran upstairs to meet el.

Will picked up his phone and dialed mikes number. Soon he answered the phone.

"Hey will whats up?" Mike asked.

"Hey, im at maxs house and i have to stay for a week, wanna come over?"

"Ugh max? Really?"

Will laughed "she doesnt like you either dont worry"

Mike laughed. "Okay i will come over because i love you and i want to see you. I havent seen you in forever!"

"You saw me 3 hours ago.."

"More like 3 years!" Mike said dramatically.

Will rolled his eyes.

"Dont roll your eyes at me!" Mike said.

"How did you even-" will began

"I know you better than anyone william~" mike laughed.

"Ew, just be here in 30 minutes or less, bye" will cringed.

"Byeee i wuv youuuu!" Mike said.

"Ew gross, i love you too"

Will hung up the phone. He smiled and got back to cooking dinner. His communicator beeped.

Youve gotta be kidding me? A message, from mr stark? Ugh whyyyy.

Will played the message. "Yo kiddo, i need you to come in to hq. Not my decision for some reason loki wants to see you, but anyways kiddo. Also i doesnt have to be today but it does have to be in the next week. Because thats when loki goes back to asgard. We really need to see you by Wednesday. But anyways we love you kiddo and your family here at the avengers tower send love! (Cap told me to say that kid) byee"

Will smiled. He always saw the avengers as his second family. He would love for mike to meet them. Will knows they approve of their relationship but he knew mike would have a bloody mega fan moment that would send him into the ER and will would be in the ER as well because he would have passed out of stress and worry about mike.

Just then Will felt someone start to tickle him and he squealed. He wriggled and turned around and whacked the person on the head with a wooden spoon.

"Owwww, babyyyy" mike pouted.

Will sighed he gave mike a kiss on the head and turned around and focused on making the chilli. Mike smiled and nuzzled his head into wills collarbone. Will smiled, him and mike stayed in total silence, mikes arms wrapped around wills  waist from behind with his chin on wills shoulder watching him cook chilli.

"Hey will hey mike is the chilli done yet?" El asked breaking the comfortable silence.

Will nodded "mhm, but can you set the table while i dish out the food, i know max liked eating in her room but chilli can stain white sheets so shes eating down here."

El smiled, "of course will, mike can you get max?"

Mike groaned, but he released will and went upstairs.

"Oi dipshit, foods ready, will said you have to eat downstairs" mike said.

"Hey mike, nice to see you too" max said giving him a one armed hug.

Mike smiled. "Whatever just go downstairs"

And the two walked downstairs and sat at the table, mike holding wills hand under the table.

A/N: i have no fucking clue what um doing at this point send help😭

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