Chapter 10

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Will was please to see the house the way he left it when he returned home. As he opened the door he was greeted by el. Who gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi el," will said "wheres tweedledum and tweedledumber?"

El giggled. "Watching 'it', i cant stand horror so i came downstairs and watched some youtube."

Will rolled his eyes. "Those idiots, i'll watch YouTube with you el."

El smiled and thanked will.

The two sat down on the sofa, el leaned her head against wills shoulder and will rested hid head on top of hers. El and will were basically siblings. Aunt may usually made jokes about also adopting el and johnathan since they were all so close. El and will knew eachother since birth as they were in the same adoption centre and were best friends, so there had never been any secrets between the two. Then will got bit by that spider and was forced to hide his identity. Will cherished moments like this where they could just relax and enjoy life. He smiled and continued to watch YouTube with el.

Upstairs with max and mike

"That movie was not scary i dont know what your girlfriend was talking about." Mike said as he layed stretched out on the bed.

"True dat, true dat." Max responded as she hugged a pillow. "Hey dork,"

Mike hummed in response.

"How are things? Like, in general and with will?" She asked

"Max, are you... being nice? Ewwww" mike teased.

"Oh shut up wheeler!" Max threw a pillow at him.

Mike laughed. "Im kidding! Calm down! Things are good you know? Me and will are in love, familys doin okay and me and will are in love!"

Max laughed "you said that already"

"I know" mike said proudly.

"Okay okay, what do you love about will?" Max asked.

"Oh everything, his laugh, his smile, his eyes, his soft hair, his warm body, his hands, his eye roll, his sense of style and his personality!"

"Wow, you really love him" max said

"Yes but my favourite thing about his is.... his boyfriend!" Mike said smugly.

Max rolled her eyes. "You had to ruin it didnt you dipshit?"

Mike nodded "always, how are things with you tho my lovely little personal demon?"

Max smiled. "AMAZING! We spend all our time together she's so perfect and adorable and funny and sweet, whenever i see her she makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and i love that feeling so so so much!"

Mike smiled. " And i love that for you. But we should really talk to the others about wills bday party."

"Yes you are so right! Its perfect timing!" I will message the group chat" max said.

Shhh- dont tell will gc

Pepsi Max: yo wassup my bitches

Red robin yummm: hello my little gay.

Mama Bird: hello my childreb and my platonic lesbian wife.

Mirror of my dreams: heyyy

The best sinclair (lucas): hiii

The actual best sinclair: whats up nerds.

I have a gun on me: yo

Johnny boy : heyy

Purple plaa tree : yoo

Pepsi max: u guys free on wills bday??

The party: ofc we r gonna come over

Pepsi max: great see ya in 2 days


"They in?" Mike asked

Max nodded her head and the two continued to talk about everything they could think of.

will and el walked in.

"Are you two getting along?" Will asked.

"No, take this gay boy away from me before i suffocate him with a pillow!" Max complained.

"I- what did i even do?!" Mike protested.

"Exist, look in my general direction, breathed the same air as me, date my best friend, blinked in my general direction, smiled and everything else."

Will and el just laughed pretending like they didnt just hear them getting along.

""Okay dears, whatever you say." El said back and the four began to talk about will and his internship and how it went.



The two villains gathered in.

"What do you want boss?" Rhino asked, annoyed because he just wanted to eat some dinner.

"We have a heist to plan, actually, i planned it. You just have to excecute it."

"Well do hurry up as i havent got all day," doc ock snapped "i have to finish up in the lab before we do anything."

"Oh dont use that tone. We are going to steal all the spiderman symbiotes from norman osborne. But i want venom for myself."

Rhino and doc ock nodded.


Breaking news! We interrupt your watching to let you know that Orsbornes lab is being raided by rhino and doc ock! Police are on the scene! Where is spiderman? Will he help mr Osborne in his time of need?

Will froze. But he then snapped out of it and went to suit up.

"Sorry guys i just realised i left my phone charger at stark industries. Ill call a cab and be right back!" Will said.

"Oh, okay will, stay safe and dont go report the scene, Elodies already on it!" Mike said

" i wont!!" Will said as he rushed out the door  and switched to his spider alter ego.


"Sorry! Im here im here. Lets do this boys!!" Spiderman said

"Stay out of this puny arachnid. This has nothing to do with you!" Doc ock said.

"Yeah! Stay out of it bug!" Rhino agreed.

"Spiderman stop being useless and save me!" Norman yelled angriky as he doged falling rubble.

Spiderman groaned. He knew he had to save norman, but who would want to save someone whos trying to kill them?" Spiderman sughed and swung into action. Dodging rubble and carrying norman to saftey.

"There you go sir! Sorry about your building." He said

"Its fine i will build another," norman snapped back.

"Spiderman! Oh thank you for saving my father!" Harry called out.

"Anytime dude" he said and webbed back to fight rhino and ock. But they had escaped.

Will begand to swing around the city looking for them.



Huh, wierd, mike thought. Willd charger is right here. And..when he left, spiderman showed up on the scene...

Same age, same body type, the wat he holds me feels like the way spiderman did, i feel like ive known him for years, ive never seen will and spiderman at the same time... the injury that will got looks a lot like where goblin hit spiderman that one time, the information will has on spiderman is more detailed then mine will ever be... the communicator.

No... mike thought. No no no no!.... it cant be! Will, will. Is. Spiderman.....

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