Chapter 10 ⚠️

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⚠️contains smut⚠️

I awoke with a start, my chest heaving rapidly as the memories of what had happened flooded back to me. A layer of sweat coated my body, soaking my dress and the thin cot mattress beneath me. Frantically my hands reached down to my side which was now re-bandaged, the wrappings tight and secure to my relief.  I sighed, thanking the stars that the men didn't just let me bleed to death on the concrete, what a humiliating death that would have been.

"I stitched your wound." A voice came from across the room, my head snapped in the direction of Cardo who sat cleaning his arm cannon, his gaze never leaving the weapon as he spoke. "You must be more careful. Next time I'll cauterize it." His words frightened me, mostly because I knew he wasn't joking, I nodded, wiping perspiration from my four head with the back of my hand.

"I thought you quite useless, princess. But now that it seems every criminal in the galaxy wants to get there hands on you you've proven yourself to be fairly beneficial." I huffed at this, beneficial to use as a target maybe, nothing more. "And I'm sure I could find other uses for you if I thought hard enough" he continued as he stood, stalking over to me from across the room.

I backed myself against the wall, finding the man incredibly  intimidating, especially considering we were alone, no one to save me from him in sight. "Don't be that way princess, I won't hurt you if you only cooperate." He spoke, his hands wondering there way up my legs. "I'll go slowly, seeing as your injured. How about that princess?" The man said, making me shiver as I felt his hands brush against my inner thighs. I nodded. "Yes please."

That seemed to be the only confirmation he needed to begin. He pulled me to him, pulling me close as I straddled his lap, he took hold of his helmet, pulling it from its place on his head and tossing it, the object landing with a loud thud across the room. He looked to be younger then the other knights, long pitch black hair with piercing almost inhumanly blue eyes. A deep scar went from his four head to his cheekbone, cutting through his left eye and brow.

He was incredibly handsome, something I hadn't expected looking at that bucket he calls a mask everyday. He leaned in, his lips crashing against mine initiating a rough kiss. This startled me, seeing as none of the other knights had ever kissed me. It felt strange, but I liked it. It was so odd how different he was acting now compared to at the beginning of the mission.

His fingers meet the bruise on my neck surely caused by his rough handling of my leash. "I apologize, I get so worked up on missions I failed to realize how aggressive I was with you. Frail little thing." His lips moved to my throat, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses against the contusion. Without thought I leaned into him, my hands meeting the back of his neck as I pulled him closer. He chuckled, his breath on my sensitive skin making me shiver.

"Show me what a good girl you can be princess." He commanded, leaning back to give me control over the situation. I nodded shyly, trying to think of what I could do to please him. Though I had little to no experience with sexual encounters, my handmaidens back on Rhymna always managed to give me the details of the flings that accrued between the palace servants. I wasn't much of a nosy person but I soaked up every detail I could get from them, learning a thing or two about what makes found pleasurable along the way.

Climbing from his lap I kneeled in front of him, pulling at his robes as I looked up at him with innocent eyes. As his length was freed my eyes went wide at his size. I took him in my hands and stroked him gently, earning a huff from him as he adjusted his hips. I Stuck out my tongue, laying it flat against his shaft, licking a trail up to the tip.

He grunted, his hands balling into fists at his side as he tried to control himself. I took him into my mouth, pushing my head down as far as I was able, making myself gag in the process. "Eyes on me princess." He encouraged, his fingers making there way through my hair before he took hold of my skull. He guided me up and down on his cock, my eyes watering as I did my best to hold open my aching jaw.

"What a good girl you are for me." He moaned, holding my head in place as he thrusted up into my throat. As he pulled his member from my lips spit dribbled it way down my chin, a gasp escaping me as I did what I could to catch my breath. He pressed his fingers to my lips, smearing his precum across my face roughly, taking in the sight of the mess he had made of me satisfied. I continued to pump him in my hand, hoping he was pleased with my performance.

Taking him back in my mouth I increased my speed, stroking what I couldn't fit in my mouth with my hands as I moaned against his member. The vibrations caused the man to buck his hips, his tip hitting the back of my throat as he hissed in pleaser. "Fucking good girl princess. Just like that." It was clear he was close to coming undone, his noises increasing in volume as I sucked.

He shuddered all of the sudden my mouth flooding with his seed as his hips stuttered in ecstasy. "Swallow. All of it, pet." I immediately obeyed, gagging from the taste but doing as he said none the less. He grabbed my jaw, pulling me back up to kiss me once again, sloppy and slow as he ground himself against my core. "It's taking everything in me not to fuck you right here, but I'd hate to steal your innocents without my brothers present. I'm sure they'd be horribly disappointed don't you think princess?"

I nodded immediately, not sure if I was even ready for something like that, especially considering his size. He pecked my lips one again, standing to situate him clothing before he turned to pet my head. "That's alright my little pet. Soon you will be healed and I'm sure my brothers will be itching to get there hands on you."

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