Hell Hath No Fury

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So hey look! I updated fast! Ha well hope you enjoy the new chapter, only 2 more (or one really long one) to go! So again, this is pretty not historically accurate, but bits and pieces are. So enjoy!

Chapter 14

Morning came over the internal night, and the weary sun rose and gave light to the dark German landscape. Gilbert walked into the room where Straufenburg and some of his men stood. He spotted in the corner Lars, dressed nicely in a suit, hair newly trimmed, standing tall and proud, the perfect politician. Gunther sat in a chair, smoking a cigar. Marko and Johann were making last minute adjustments to their bombs, wiring it and setting up the detonator. Nikolas stood back, observing, face blank, but it appeared that he was thinking. The man he assumed was Adler, was leaning on the wall, drinking a coffee. Gil strode up and stood next to Nikolas, watching Marko wire something.

"Ready for this lad?" Nikolas asked to him quietly

"Lad?" Gil asked, almost laughing

"You appear to be young, are you not?" he asked , not looking at him

"Well... 24 is hardly a 'lad', you make me sound 8!"

"24 to a 60 year old grandfather is very young lad." He spoke wisely

...That means...if we fail, his family loses...a grandpa, father, and more...friends and maybe a brother... ha, brothers...

His face fell a bit thinking about his brother, his only family... ex-family.

"Does something bother you?" Nikolas asked, turning to face him

Gil studied his face. Silver hair, bright blue eyes, and a kind soft smile. The picture perfect wise old grandpa.

"No...nothing is wrong."

"If that is what you wish to believe, by all means, think so. But you may or may not be right about that."

Gilbert didn't answer, but dwelled on the wording of the sentence.

Ha...wise old man.

"Ha! Suit up boys we got ourselves a bomb!" Marko happily exclaimed

A low cheer ran through the room, and Gunther put out his smoke, going to the car.

Strauffenburg walked over, looking at each man "Good luck. Be safe, and let's get this done... the second bomb will be ready."

Gilbert nodded, and followed the rest of the men into the military car, piling in the back.

Gunther started up the engine, and they rolled down the road to the meeting, to their quest to save Germany.

In the meeting hall, members of the different boards sat down around the table, set down their suitcases, and mingled around to speak with friends or collogues.

Ludwig sat down in the chair where a name plate was, four seats left of Hitler's large main chair at the head of the round table.

As 9 am drew around, a man slipped quietly into the meeting, setting the case next to Hitler's chair, then shuffling out of sight.

Gilbert psotioned the truck, and Gergor and Adler, giving them places out of sight to hide, then watched.

"Case has been planted." Adler said into a walkie-talkie, where back in the truck Marko, Johann, Nikolas and Gunther stood listening.

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