You've Become a Monster

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 Warning: WWII and Nazi!Prussia and Germany, dark fanfiction

Chapter 1

            Ludwig stared out the window in his study, the rain falling down, soaking the earth. His brow was furrowed in thought, and his eyes were troubled and life-less, bags hung under his eyes. The blonde sighed and put his forehead to the glass, his proud shoulders bent, his clear head foggy.

            Gilbert quietly walked about the house, looking for Ludwig, who had again forgotten to eat, and most likely sleep as well. It was his job to look out for his little brother.

            He values hard work almost too much Gilbert thought, walking into the room.

            He stood and shook his head and walked into the room, striding over to and then standing next to Ludwig.

            Ludwig turned his head to the side slightly, only half his face seen. Gil met his tired blue eye with his red ones.

            “You plan on eating or sleeping?” he inquired

            “Can’t eat.” Ludwig muttered, turning his head away again, staring out the window.
            “Why not?” Gilbert asked

            “To stressed.” Ludwig growled out

            “And why?” he asked

            Ludwig sighed “Have you ever had a boss, that was great for the people, but you can’t help but feel something’s wrong?”

            Gilbert looked at him curiously “I can’t say I have… There were great noble kings, and terrible cruel tyrants. But they were either good for the people or bad…I never felt any of them were not right.” Gilbert said rather intrigued by this

            “Well my new boss…wants me to go to war…again.” Ludwig muttered


            “…” Ludwig opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

            “With?” Gilbert asked again

            “First Poland, then… He won’t say.”

            “Ludwig, as a leader you have many jobs, yet few. You have to follow orders from your boss, yet from your heart as well. A war with Poland may not be something you wish to do, but it is something you must do. Follow your bosses orders… you must trust them, and trust they have the best intentions for the country and people. You will have to ignore your heart sometimes if it conflicts with your main task, you will have to carry out orders.” Gilbert spoke, with the wise-ness few saw in the albino.

            Ludwig stood straight and looked down to meet his brother’s eyes.

            “The Great War*?” Ludwig growled bitterly

            “Wars, they have names, they have years, but they are irrelevant now…You aren’t fighting the Great War, that war is over…now if it ended fairly depends who you ask. But the time for that question is not now. Now, is time for a different question, will you follow and trust in your leader?” Gilbert asked, picking his words with care, but speaking easily

            “I…” Ludwig was silent for a moment, fighting with himself over the decision.

            Does it matter what I even say? Germany goes to war if I want to or not…To go is to prove I believe in the cause, and that I trust my boss. But do I trust him? What even is the cause? Why won’t he tell me? Damn…bruder is right, I have to be loyal… but to what extent? Ha…he would say entirely. Loyalty to country, to boss, to orders. That damn knight in him…

            “I will follow my boss…I will be loyal to him, with all my heart and mind and soul. I will trust in him un-doubtly, and I will not listen to my heart or mind, but only my boss’s words…” Ludwig spoke, shaky at first, but with confidence towards the end

            “Very good bruder.” Gilbert said, smiling proudly at his younger brother, reaching up and messing up his blonde hair.

            Ludwig smiled on the inside; it had been a long time since Gilbert seemed truly proud of him. And even longer since he showed physical affections- even if it was something simple as messing up his hair.

            Even as old as he was, his brother was his only family…it was nice to make him proud.

            “Danke Gil…” Ludwig spoke, nodding his head

            Gil nodded back “Of course bruder, I’m always here for help.”

            Ludwig walked over to his desk and shuffled papers and began to work, and Gilbert left only to return with a plate of food.

            “Either you eat, or I set the desk on fire.” He spoke

            Ludwig smiled the slightest bit “I’ll eat it, relax.”

            Gilbert smiled and nodded “I’m not above shoving it down your throat.”

            Ludwig actually laughed “God knows that, you weren’t one for sane or rational solutions.”

            Gilbert smiled, a cocky grin, his red eyes filled with life. “What’s the fun in rational solutions?”

            Ludwig just shook his head, that ghost of a smile on his face, but a sparkle in his eyes.

            Ludwig began to eat, and Gilbert turned and walked from the room.

            His boss wants to go to war? Shit that man wasn’t joking about ‘elbow room’. The people like him enough to mobilize… I wonder why he didn’t ask Ludwig’s consent…oh well he’s new. Maybe he’ll be better than that prissy Wilhelm[1]. Maybe this isn’t too bad…Francis, Alfred, and Arthur really hammered Luddy for the war…maybe they’ll learn they can’t make ‘treaties’ like that anymore…

            Gilbert shook his head, ending his thoughts. He walked down the hall and into his room, reading the supplies and papers he’d need to join his brother in the war.

            Ha my boss will love this one, ‘hey can we fight Poland alongside Germany for no real political reason?’ Ha…and once more the black eagle of Prussia will reap blood and sow discord…

            And thus the country born of war, encouraged his blood to join, and followed him into the madness that is war on strong black feathered wings.

[1] WWI - Kaiser Wilhem II abdicated his throne

*The Great War is the proper name of World War One prior the WWII

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