The Killer and the Interior Decorator

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Chapter 6

            The son rose, its light filtering through the window into the room where Gil slept. He yawned and sat up, still half asleep, trudging to the shower.

            The cold water helped wake him up, and he dressed in his black uniform before walking down the dark stairs, into the kitchen where the light was on, and Ludwig was cooking .

            “What dragged you out of bed already?” he asked over his shoulder

            “Damn sun.” he growled, plunking down in a chair, throwing his hat next to Ludwig’s on the table.

            Ludwig shoulder’s moved with a silent laugh.

            “What are we doing today Luddy?”

            There was a pause before his answer “Just some city work, the army’s already on the move.”

            Gil sighed

            No fun work today in other words. Damn, being a soldier’s more fun than this crap.

            Ludwig turned around and walked over with food, sitting down.

            Gil almost fell out of his chair.

            Ludwig’s hair was its usual neat slicked back self, but his eyes were wild looking, and there were large bags under his eyes, like he didn’t sleep. A slight crazy smile was also on his face.

            “Are you on drugs?” Gilbert asked, in all seriousness


            “Are you?”

            “No…?” was his confused reply

            “Did you sleep last night?” Gil questioned

            “Uh no, had work to do.”

            Gil rolled his eyes.

            Well, that explains that….close enough

            The twisted smile was gone now, but the image was for sure burned into Gil’s mind.

            “What are we doing today?”

            “Just some city work, nothing exciting really…” Ludwig answered, looking away and sipping his coffee

            Gilbert sighed, and stood up with his plate, placing it on the counter. Ludwig finished his coffee and did the same, and Gil took his hat and walked to the door.

            “So city work means what exactly?”

            Ludwig froze.

            Bruder won’t like at all what it really is, and he wouldn’t listen to what boss says, though he’s right… Wait I got an office…

            “It’s just promoting and propaganda, recruiting.” He lied with a smile

            Gilbert mentally winced. He hated that type of stuff.

            “I have an office, but it’s not used at the moment, you want to get some desk chairs and things like that in there?”

            Gilbert mentally winced again.

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