The End Draws Near

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Chapter 15

In his office, Ludwig worked like a madman, calling people from all over the country, and assembling all the officers of the SS.

When he was told of the arrival of the men, he stormed into the press hall, his eyes wide and dark, voice a loud thunder.


The room was dead silent for a long moment, some men looking truly baffled, some staring intently at the floor, and a few looking beyond nervous, fidgeting, and stealing glances at the door.

Ludwig's sharp eyes scanned the room, picking out the nervous men.

He pointed "You, you, and you. Stay. The rest, get the hell out." He growled, a low and dangerous tone

The men hurriedly departed, the three left looked ready to bolt or pass out.

"Here!" He barked, pointing in front of him.

Stumbling and shaking, the three advanced.

"Why so nervous?" Ludwig asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Two men stayed quiet, the other shook more.

"SPEAK!" he bellowed

They yelped and eyes widened in fear.

"I-It's not u-us!" one stammered

"Then who!" Ludwig screamed, grabbing the man by his shirt collar

"S-Strauff-ffenburg!" he cried, pale and shaking, looking ready to pass out

Ludwig dropped the man, and stood quiet, eyes blazing in fury.

"And you two?" he finally asked

"S-same..." the one man whimpered.

"What did he do, you miserable scum!"

"H-he lead t-the attack! P-planned on t-taking over! He h-had a meeting!" the pale man stammered.

"And you went?!" He roared

"D-didn't know w-what it was f-f-for! W-we left!"

Ludwig took a deep breath, and turned around, hands behind back.

"I don't much like traitors. Or weak men, that can't pick a side." He spoke lowly, turning around "You will be the first of many to die and pay for this blasphemous act."

The three men trembled, and dropped to their knees, begging for their lives.

"I want names of men who were there. Now."

The three men quickly surrendered over 20 names, which he wrote down.

"You are no longer of use. Guards!" he barked, and then six men entered, dragging the three away.

"Hold them in the prison." He ordered, and stalked from the room, going down the hall and barging into the main office.

"Get me Claus von Strauffenburg. NOW!"

A courier nearly dived over the desk running out the door.

He glared at the other workers. "Get me a firing squad. Open up more cells in the prison. Better be done by morning!" and then he departed

Meanwhile in the Autohaus, Gil, Gunther, Adler, Lars, Marko, Johann, Gregor, and Nikolas stood waiting, as they had gotten an urgent call from Strauffenburg.

Just then, he burst into the room, and locked the door behind.

"We are in trouble men." He stated, panting heavily.

"What's the matter?" Gil asked, crossing over to.

"We have been found out! I accidently got news, they're looking for me! They have names of you men! All of Valkyrie is falling apart, we are all doomed!" he cried, hopeless look on his face

The other men looked shocked, and worried. Only Nikolas looked calm and collected.

"This was a risk we knew of, and a cause we pledged our life to. If it is death we are condemned to, let it be." Nikolas said softly

"Men were born to die. Soldiers meant to serve." Gilbert added, nodding.

Strauffenburg paced. "We don't have much time. General Bielschdmit is crazed, he wants every ones heads."

Gil's eyes widened. Luddy...

Then the hum of engines, and barking of orders, and the tramping of boots and click of guns loading echoed, sending waves of fear through the room.

"The end has come..." Lars muttered

Gilbert stared at the door, fearless, ready. His eyes flashed dangerously, shoulders squared. Death could come, he didn't care. He could think of no finer cause to die for.

The door was knocked down, and SS swarmed into the room. A gun butt was slammed into Gil's stomach, bringing him to his knees, groaning in pain.

He was kicked in the side, chest, and face. Guns hitting him in the back and head, his vision swam, and he tasted blood.

Unable to fight back against the quickness, and the numbers, he was cuffed, and dragged to his feet.

"What do we do with them General?" the one soldier holding Gil asked

"Get them to the courtyard now. Ready the squad. We will water the ground with their blood." Ludwig spoke, shadow casting into the room, his features blacked out.

"What about him?" the same man asked, jerking on Gil's arm.

"The same fate for him." He snarled, and stalked off.

...What a die for... he thought, before blacking out.

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