The Hammer Falls

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Chapter 16

            In the courtyard, Ludwig commanded the firing squad. Seven men, dressed in SS uniforms, their faces shadowed by the dim lighting stood, polished killing machines. Only glimpses of their faces were seen when the guns went off.

            Gilbert was cuffed, in a long line of other men. Next to him was Strauffenburg, and they were at the very end of the chain.

            “Are all…these men in your plot?” he asked, eyes wide as another man died.

            “Some of these men I have never seen before…”[1]

            I’m dying tonight… Gil thought, heart racing

            Strauffenburg shook his head, sighing “What a shame…”

            Gil was quiet as he looked around. Ludwig stood by the squad, barking orders to them. Stone walls surrounded them, armed guards patrolling the perimeter. The Nazi banner fluttered in the light wind. The dim light danced over the silky red of the banner. He shook his head in disgust.

            “You see the banner there, Gilbert?” Strauffenburg asked quietly, as the firing squad went off again.

            “Yes…” he spoke back, looking at the ground.

            “Why is the banner red?”

            “I thought you said it was stupid and didn’t matter?” Gil said, looking at him.

            “Staring at Death changes that.”

            Gilbert nodded, and looked back to the banner. “I…I don’t know.” He said, shrugging.

            The chain was growing steadily shorter, death inching closer to them.

            Strauffenburg was quiet, and Gil shut his eyes, tilting his head back. Funny, how alive he felt, when death was so near.

            The wind was warm, and soft. Like a gentle touch, caressing his face, and messing with the tendrils of his hair. It smelled heavily of blood and gunpowder, but the warm wind brought a fresh smell, of flowers, and grass.

            A small smiled tugged at his lips, fondly remembering the good points of his life. Friends, soldiers he had come to know well. Battles, where he stood victorious. Kings, that knew what they were doing, the laughs he shared in particular with Fritz. But as the wing blew again, memories of an empty field, where he found a small blonde haired boy crossed his mind.

            He smiled sadly, eyes watering slightly. He remembered that scared little boy, that he took as his own, the small boy that he raised as his own brother. He saw the thunderstorms, that scared the young boy. He remembered telling him bedtime stories to calm him down, or even sharing the same bed if he wouldn’t relax. He could recall every moment, when tears spilled from the boys blue eyes. His smile grew wider, and sadder. He would hug the small boy for as long as it took to halt the tears…he hated when the boy cried. More than he hated looking soft. He shook his head slightly, recalling teaching the young boy to sword fight, and later shoot a gun. He remembered long nights, teaching the boy how to be a leader, a good man…and wars, that took him away for long periods of time. The bitter time away. But then, the sweet reunions that always followed…he remembered the pride in the young boy he had, when he finally became a country. He remembered sticking by the young boy, through everything. Even, a war against his own friends.

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