A Devil's Pact

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Its a WWII Germany/Prussia story...expect certian terms.

Chapter 2

            Ludwig stood outside his bosses office, the mahogany door the only barricade between him and his bi-polar boss. Ludwig closed his eyes and took a deep breath, rehearsing what he was going to say in his head.

            It’s just my boss…I-I’ve done this before…

            He knocked on the door and from within he heard a cold “Come in.”

            Ludwig pulled open the thick door and slid inside, his heart hammering in his chest. The was something about this boss that wasn’t right…

            “Ludwig.” His boss greeted, standing rigidly and raising one arm is a beckoning gesture. His voice was dangerous sounding, warm and friendly but with a cold hard edge behind it, like a hurricane waiting to happen.

            Ludwig avoided his bosses eyes, they were unnaturally dark…like an great evil lurked behind them.

            Ludwig stiffly bowed and went to sit but his boss snapped “Proper salute!”

            Ludwig internally winced, but stood straight and raised his right arm.

            “Say the words!” his boss hissed

            NEIN! He screamed in the inside, but he set his jaw, and muttered the words[1].

            “H-Heil…Hitler…” He spoke, his stomach twisting as he uttered the words.

            His boss gave a curt nod, and sat in his high backed leather chair. Ludwig sat down in the oaken chair, stained to match the mahogany desk.

            He hated this office, and he felt the desire to bolt from the office.

            “Why are you here?” His boss asked leaning back

            A banner hung on the wall, and he made sure to look at the desk as he talked.

            “I-I give you my allegiance…I-in the war. I’ll follow any orders. I am your soldier to command.” He spoke in an even tone, although inside he was a nervous mess

            He boss gave a cold sneer “Well I’m happy you picked to join willingly. The other options are so pretty. Dismissed. General Bielschdimt.”

            Ludwig blinked “G-General…?”

            His boss flashed him a glare “Open your ears! I said General! Dismissed!”

            Ludwig turned and scrambled from the room, very much unlike the calm and collected man he usually was.

            And thus, a pact with an unknown devil was forged, ensuring hell to follow.

            Meanwhile, Gilbert stood in front of his leader.

            “We must join this war effort.” He spoke

            “Why? Why must we?” his leader demanded

            “We offer a good point from which to launch an invasion into Poland… Germany is an ally.” Gilbert said, angling the argument

            Because he’s my damn little brother. Do I need more of a reason?

            He and his leader held a staring match for a few long minutes.

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