Picking Bones

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Chapter 4

            Ludwig walked from the hall at the side of his boss, neither of them were speaking, but Ludwig’s pride was bursting.

            The two rounded the corner to the hallway Gil was waiting in,  and at the sight of them, the albino ran up.


            “I have a bone to pick with you.” Gilbert growled at Ludwig’s boss

            Ludwig stepped between his boss and fuming brother “Gil! Let’s go!”

            Gilbert shoved his brother away and stared at the man.

            “Then come to my office Mr. Bielschdmit.” He spoke, before turning on heel and walking off

            Gilbert followed on his heels, and Ludwig stepped then stopped, sighing and leaning against the wall.

            I’ll let him solve his own issues…once this issue, whatever it is, has been resolved, maybe Gil will like my boss too!

            Gilbert looked around the office, red eyes raking over the well furnished office.

            “You had a problem?”

            “I do! Those Crosses? What is that shit!” Gilbert roared

            “Medals for our elites, well-earned ones.”


            “Yes, the Iron Cross is an adaption of the Prussian Cross.”

            “ You’ve stolen Prussia’s most revered war medal!”

            “Nein, we, German’s have shown our love of the Prussians, by borrowing your ever so loved medal.” He spoke, weaving a web of sweet silky lies in a calm, tempting, persuasive voice.

            “You are the one that aided in getting Prussia allied with Germany yes?”

            Gilbert glared at him “Yes, and?”

            “Well, on the behalf of Germany, our deepest thanks, Mr. Bielschdmit.”

            Gilbert slowly calmed himself down and met the eyes of the man that was responsible for his brother’s welfare, his brothers country’s welfare.  

            “Yeah, sure thing.” He growled

            “Do you have a position in the fine German army?”

            “Yes, in my brothers squad.” He answered, staring

            “Would you take the position of being his second?”

            Shit…well this is going well…Luddy’s second? I could help him even more so…I don’t have to listen to some punk either, heh awesome!

            “I would.”

            “Then welcome, Second General[1] Bielschdmit.” 

            Gilbert gave a curt nod, and Hitler stood. Waking around the desk he handed him a medal, and another pin.

            “I have my own Cross, a Prussian one.” He growled at seeing another fake Cross

            “You are under my command, now this is your Cross.”

            Gilbert glared and took the Cross, and spun on heel and left.

            Fine, I’ll wear the damn thing, but not by choice. He thought angrily pinning it onto his uniform.  

            Ludwig was still leaning against the wall, absently playing with his Iron Cross.

            Gil gave me one of these when I was little! Oh, right that was something else…a Prussian Cross. Hm there’s nothing wrong with this one though.

            But, just from thinking about it, he felt his neck for the chain, that his Prussian Cross hung on, under his shirt, where none would see.

            The cool metal brushed his fingertips, and he smiled. The simple comfort from the chain was one of the best. He always knew that his brother loved and cared about him, and if anything ever happened, the Cross reminded him.

            The Iron Cross he was given, held no value to him, it just showed who he was.

            Gilbert rounded the corner, and Ludwig dropped his hand

            “Everything ok?” he asked

            “Yeah, splendid.” He growled, stalking out to the car.

            Ludwig didn’t press, but followed his brother and silently got into the car, knowing better than t pry.

            “So, you know who your second in command is?”

            Ludwig drove down the road, “No.”

            “I do, it’s me.”

            Ludwig fell silent, unsure what to say.

            “You happy about that?”

            “Why….aren’t you with your men?” Ludwig asked, unable to stop himself from asking

            “….Don’t worry about it, didn’t I tell you that already?” Gilbert asked sharply

            Ludwig drove on in silence.

            “We start our work tomorrow…We’re in the city...orders will be given tomorrow.” Ludwig said, pulling into their driveway.

            Gilbert walked into the black house, with a slight smile.

            Home is where the heart lies ha-ha he thought with a smile

            No matter how bad anything got, home was always there, warm and  accepting. Safe, comfy. Familiar.

            Home, was not a house, but a place wherever family was.

            Ludwig followed his brother into their home, closing the door and kicking off his shoes, and picking up Gil’s from the middle of the walkway.

            The albino walked into his room, throwing a good-bye over his shoulder.

            Ludwig smiled, but didn’t respond back. He in turn walked to his own room, in their house, the only place in the world the two brothers were themselves.

            The house, was nothing more than brick and wood, just support. But the memories, is what filled the house, making it home. Fights that were fought, were resolved. Tears fell, free of scorn. Home was home. The brothers were family, the only family the other had.

            The house was roost that raised the young eagle, the nest that the Black Eagle returned to.

            But, storms tend to wreck nests, and a hurricane was coming

Thoughts, comments, questions?

[1] Ludwig’s General, Gil’s under him, so yes, Second General of the SS

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