Chapter 1

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Marinette's POV

"Seat 3b, seat 3b, where is it..." She mumbled, as she looked at every chair number. A man came up to her and asked her. "Hey, do you need help?" He asked, Marinette looks at him and nodded. "Yeah... I can't find the seat 3b." She mumbled.

"Well, your seat is just right beside me." The man said, putting his hand on her back, guiding her on their way. "There you go!" He said, smiling. Marinette thanked him and began putting some of her luggage's in the cabin.

"Wait, let me help you with that." He said, grabbing some of her luggage's. Marinette just laughed awkwardly and sat on her seat, feeling uncomfortable right now. The man sat beside her and grabbed the magazine in front of him.

He turned to the next page, and it was a picture of Adrien and Kagami, they were sitting closer together. And it caught Marinette's attention. "What are they doing? Why are they sitting with each other so close?" She asked, as she pointed the magazine. The man chuckled and began to explain it to her.

"Well, you see, they are married now. They got married last month and now they are returning to Paris from their honeymoon." He explained, the bluenette lost her smile. "Oh, that's great then..." She mumbled; the man just continued to read the magazine.

She leaned on the chair and began to re-think her memories with him. They were so close, but why didn't Adrien tell her about his marriage with Kagami. She grabbed her phone in her bag and texted Alya.

Marinette: Alya! Are you online right now?

Alya: Why? Did your plane already landed?

Marinette: No! I have a question

Alya: Question on what?

Marinette: About Adrien

Alya: Girl, what about him?

Marinette: Did you know that he got married to Kagami?

Alya: Yeah, I did know that, in fact me and Nino got invited

Marinette: Then, why none of you told me!?

Alya: Because uhm Kagami doesn't want to invite you, she said you'll only ruin their wedding

Marinette: But still, why didn't Adrien tell me anything?

Alya: Honestly girl, I have no clue but me and Nino are still sleeping so... see you soon, bye!

Marinette: Yeah... bye

She sighed and put her headsets on and began listening to some music. A few minutes later, her eyes began to close slowly and there it was, she fell asleep.

Half of an hour later, she woke up when she heard a scream.

"What's going on?" She asked, removing her headsets that is stuffed in her ears. "I don't know but I need to help." The man beside her spoke, he stood up and ran towards to the person who is chocking. Marinette followed and stood behind the man. "Madam, what is going on?" He asked, the woman stuttered the words out.

"I don't know, my husband just suddenly collapsed." She said panicking, the man looked at Marinette and pointed the cabin. "Could you get the bag in the cabin? Its white and has a red cross." He spoke.

She ran towards their cabin and grabbed the bag he is talking about. "Here!" She said, handing the bag to the man. "Thanks." He grabbed a stethoscope from the bag and checked the man's heartbeat. "His heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker. I need to perform CPR." He said, adjusting his position, he placed his hands at the center of the man's chest.

Not even a minute later, the man opened his eyes and immediately sat up, making the 3 jumped. "Oh! Thank God!" The woman yelled, hugging her husband tightly. The plane was full of applause, as they cheer for the man.

"Thank you, sir! How much money do I owe you?" The woman asked, shaking his hand. The man just chuckled and spoke. "Don't worry, no need to pay me since it's almost Christmas and beside it's also my job to save people." "Oh, thank you, your wife is so lucky to marry you." She said, the two froze and laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry about that madam but she isn't my wife, me and her are only strangers." He said, both stood up and go back to their seats. "So... How many hours till this plane arrive to Paris?" The bluenette asked, the man looked at his watch. "Well, we are on the plane for 8 hours now." "8 hours!? That fast?"

"Yeah, we arrived at the plane at 6 am and waited for half of an hour for the plane to fly and two of us fell asleep at 8 am and we sleep for 6 hours, so its 1 pm now so we will be arriving at 6 pm." (I'm not good at math, so ignore the mistakes and shush...)

"Oh right... I'll just buy some snacks." She said, she called the flight attendant, and both ordered their snacks.

Time Skip

The plane has arrived, Marinette waited for the passengers to got out of the plane, so she could avoid the crowd. After waiting, she finally got out of the plane and airport and waited for her best friend's car. A few minutes of waiting, she heard a familiar voice beside her.

She turned to look but it was, Kagami and Adrien, her friends... Shit, are they also waiting for their car? She asked herself. But suddenly someone placed their hand on her shoulder, making her jump. "Hey, can I have your number before you go?" The man asked, but it was the man from the plane earlier, he seems so shy, since he is stroking the back of his neck.

"M-my number? Uhm, do you have a pen?" The man handed her a pen, and she began writing her phone number. Marinette +33636768 "There you go." "Sweet! Thank you, Marinette." He said, the man said goodbye to her and got in the car leaving the bluenette alone.

"Uhm, Marinette?" She froze when she heard the woman's voice. "Ha ha ha... HEY KAGAMI!" She waved at her. "What are you doing here back in Paris?" Kagami asked. "Oh, uhm... I-I uhm me decided, I mean I want to spend my Christmas here in Paris with my friends and... [she looked at Adrien and blushed] and I want to spend some time here with my husband!"

"What? You have a husband?" "I mean family! Forget the last word I have said." She muttered; Kagami just stared at her but meanwhile Adrien chuckled. "Don't worry Marinette, we get what you said." "You mean only you?" Kagami interrupted.

"Oh right, sorry hun." He said, kissing her cheeks. Marinette felt jealousy and just looked at them without uttering any words. "So, who are you waiting for Marinette?" "Alya and Nino..." She replied. "Really? Because we are also waiting for them."

"W-what?" "I said, we are also waiting for them, I guess they forgot to tell you." "Oh yeah, I guess they did." She said, all of them just stood up not talking to each other. Finally, a blue car parked in front of them.

"Sup my buddy Adrien! Oh, and welcome back Dudette!" "Hey Mari! Oh, look at you! You look more beautiful from the last time we have met." Her best friend replied, after checking her out. "We just had a video call last 2 days."

"Video call is different from personal. Nino, can you help them put their luggage on the trunk?" She asked, Nino got out of the car and helped them put their things. After that, Nino got in same as Marinette. But when Marinette was about to get in, she heard Adrien said something from her behind. "C'mon Love, hurry up." He said, slapping the bluenette's ass. She squeaked as his hand hits her on her butt.

Posted on December 11, 2022

Word count: 1272 words

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