Chapter 2

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When Marinette was about to get in, she heard Adrien said something from her behind. "C'mon Love, hurry up." He said, slapping the bluenette's ass. She squeaked as his hand hits her on her butt.


She squeaked as his hand hits her butt. The blonde froze when he realized it wasn't his wife that the butt he slapped, only his friend Marinette. He turned around to see his wife, Kagami. She was fuming red; he gulped and slowly removed his hand.

"I'm sorry Hon, I didn't realize you were still here behind me." "Do you? Or you just did it on purpose." She said, staring at him intensely. "Of course not, let's just go." He said, Marinette sat at the end of the car looking outside the window, avoiding making any eye contacts to the married couple.

"Are you all thirsty? I have a hot water here." Alya offered, the 3 nodded their heads. Alya gave kagami a bottle and handed the two-person water bottles. Marinette tried to reach for the water bottle but the two accidentally touched each other's hands.

Both flustered and awkwardly said. "I'm sorry, I'll just grab the other one [both reached for the other water bottle but accidentally touched each other's hands again]) "Oh, I'm sorry Adrien, please go ahead and take it." "No, you take it Marinette."

Kagami grabbed the water bottles and handed it to both. "Here, you two are so awkward right now." She rolled her eyes, and grabbed Adrien's arms, hugging it making Marinette jealous.

Time Skip

After the ride, they got out of the car and opened the door. As they opened the door, they heard a loud pop, making all of them jumped. "SURPRISE!!!" Their old classmates yelled, the confetti were falling, landing on the floor.

"Oh my God! You guys!" She yelled surprisingly, they all ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "We decided to throw you a surprise party for coming back in Paris, and it's been so long since the last time we saw you and we miss you all very much, so here we are!" Her best friend said. The blonde cough, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm also here you know." He said as a joke. "Right, sorry we forgot about you." Kim said, making everyone snort. They all hugged him, and Luka came up to them. "Hey Mari!" He waved at the bluenette. The bluenette was stunned to see her ex standing in front of her holding a gift.

"Luka? What are you doing here?" She asked, the Rockstar laughed and smiled at her. "I heard you're going back to Paris, and I wanted to surprise you, but you seem not excited about my presence." He smiled, raising his eyebrow.

"What! Of course, I'm happy! I'm just so shocked, I hardly can't recognize you anymore, you grew more muscle and..." She realized what she just has said and tried to take it back. "I mean! You look fit!" She yelled as she blushed, the Rockstar chuckled and spoke.

"I know what you mean Mari, since you left, I began working out daily." He said, but the blonde interrupted them. "Sometimes I forgot that you guys have dated once." He said as he groaned. He rolled his eyes getting annoyed by the voice of the Rockstar. The Rockstar looked at him confused, and chuckled.

"Why do you sound so annoyed about it? Do you still have feelings for her as ladybug?" He asked, embarrassing the model. They all stared at him, waiting for response. "Of course not! I'm already married to my wife, and I wouldn't dare to cheat on her." He explained, Kagami smiled and nodded.

"He's right, we both love each other very truly, and in fact we are already happy with our marriage. We were supposed to stay at the Germany, but we decided to return here, where we will start our new life." She said, as she kissed Adrien's cheeks. As the bluenette heard this, she felt her heart getting ripped out.

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