Chapter 12

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She heard a scream, making her wake up. She suddenly felt a cold metal that had stick to her forehead and someone took her sleeping mask off. The first thing she saw is a black clothing, when she looked up, she saw a man pointing a gun to her forehead.

Then the guy pulled the trigger...




She woke up, breathing heavily. Everything was dark then she remembered she was wearing a sleeping mask. When she removed it, she saw everything was normal. There was no any sign of dead bodies nor the Hitler.

And she was glad there wasn't or else her life would end without marrying the love of her life. She was about to go to sleep again, but she couldn't, her nightmare was bothering her. So, she waited for the plane to arrive at England and to live at London city.

At London

When she arrive at the London, she got herself an apartment and as soon she arrive at her room, she immediately open the TV to watch some news about the Divorce of Kagami Tsurugi and Adrien Agreste and she was perfectly on time.

It was very difficult to watch for her, she doesn't know if the judge will agree for them to divorce but she hopes they will.

Days and days have passed. The trials had still ongoing until, today. The judge had agreed for them to divorce since Adrien was unhappy to the marriage and they had both cheated on their partners. But as soon, Adrien got out from the building. She could see him getting hated from the people, who believed that he cheated first.

The people were so mad, they throw everything they have to his car and some people are trying to stop the car from going. They would scratch it and hit the window glass whenever it stopped. She couldn't handle the hate, so she turned off the TV and called Adrien.

Not even a few seconds later, he already answered it.

Adrien: Hello Milady? Do you need something?

Marinette: I heard you won the trial, congrats! I guess you'll be heading to London now and live with me.

Adrien: Yes, I am. I need to tell you something, Marinette.

Marinette: What is it?

Adrien: I'll be-

He suddenly stops speaking and she heard him groan from the phone.

Marinette: Adrien, are you still there?

Adrien: Yeah, I'm having another phone call from Kagami's mother. I'll call you once I had arrive at London.

Marinette: Oh, okay then... I love you.

But he had already hung- up, she sighed and lay on the sofa, as she stares at the ceiling. got bored, the longer she stares, the bored feeling adds up. She groans feeling her stomach rumbling. "Ugh... I'm so hungry and I want to eat sweets... Wait, maybe I could bake a cake for Adrien. I'm so genius." She proudly said; She began to prepare her ingredients and started right away.

Few hours later

The cake was on the table in front of Marinette, who keeps looking at her phone to see, if Adrien had sent a text. But he was offline, at this point, Marinette want to hear his voice to check if he's okay. "This is so exhausting; I can't wait for him to arrive. I miss him, so much."

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