Chapter 10

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She picked one of it and it was a tail? She smelled it and it smells funny. She grossed out and put it under all the sex toy, but she felt a paper under it. She grabbed it and decided to look at it, but before she could.

Some had opened the door. "Marinette?!" She dropped the box and looked at the door to see who it was, and it was...


Before she could look at the photo, someone had opened the door. "Marinette?!" She dropped the box and looked at the door to see who it was, and it was Alya. The sex toys had spread the ground, Alya took a moment to stare at it and her jaw dropped as she realizes what she was holding. Her head slowly looked up and looked at her and saw her best friend, Marinette shirtless.

"Oh my god, Alya?! What are you doing here?!" She jumped and held her chest, as she breathes faster. "I'm going to use a restroom but you! What are you doing here while shirtless?! And not just shirtless but holding a box full of sex toys!" She pointed at the toys, Marinette slowly approached her and denied what she just saw.

"This is all a misunderstanding, that wasn't uh... a sex toys, that was some accessories! You're hallucinating right now, how about you go to the bathroom, and wash your face?" She confusedly said, Alya's jaw dropped and couldn't believe what she just heard. "Hallucinating?! Girl, are you calling me crazy?!"

"You're literally shirtless right now, and you're calling me crazy?!" She couldn't believe what she just saw, her best friend, holding a sex toy while shirtless. She felt betrayal, her saying she doesn't like Adrien anymore but look at her.

She's shirtless, and not just shirtless but her hair is messy, many hickeys surrounded around her body, and she smell like Adrien's saliva and the smell of sex. "Alya, I am not calling you crazy." "Oh my god... don't talk, I did not say you can talk." She put her finger on her lips, shutting her up.

"Oh god... I can't do this, you lied to me by saying you don't like Adrien anymore but look at you, you're shirtless and you smell." She pointed at her, as she gags at her ridiculous smell. "What are you talking about? We did not have sex."

"Speak for yourself, you smell like sex and saliva." Marinette smelled herself and she was right, she smells like sex. "Uhm... I was having sex with Luka." Her best friend stared at her with a suspicious look on her face and observed her again. "Who the heck, would have sex with their boyfriend in her old crush bed?"

"Me." Alya raised her brow on her and could tell she was lying about it. "Yeah, right. Luka is in downstairs, idiot." Marinette sighed and knew she had no chance but to tell her, after all she kept her secret identity before and never revealed it to someone else.

"Okay, fine, I did. But I did not force Adrien into this, I already told him me and him should stop our affair, but he doesn't want to. Please don't tell it to someone." She pleaded, her best friend smiled and asked.

"Not even Nino?" She smiled and her face changed. "Yes, not even Nino. I can't trust him into this secret." She said, Alya let out a deep breath and lamely rolled her eyes. "Okay fine, not even Nino. By the way, can you show me where the bathroom is? I need to pee so badly." She said, as she held her private part through the fabric of the pants.

"Uhh... I think the bathroom door is facing their bed?" She pointed behind her. She thanked Marinette and rushed to the bathroom. And Marinette, continues to find a cloth to use to cover her body.

Time Skip

Marinette exits their bedroom and goes downstairs. But on her way down, she saw her boyfriend standing in front of the stairs. "Marinette? What are you doing up there?" Luka asked, Marinette laughed in discomfort and headed down.

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