Chapter 7

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When they arrived at her room, he throws her in the bed and immediately took off his shirt. "Luka... what are you doing?" She asked, Luka crawl towards her and spoke. "I need to fucking taste you right now." He said and kissed her.


He was now sucking her pussy, her thighs were around his neck, as she pushes his head closer. "Mhm..." She whined, her chest began to go up and down really fast, as he bits her clit. "Ahh..." She moaned and covered her mouth, stopping herself from moaning too loud.

"Don't hide your moans... They sound so fucking adorable." He said, as he removed her hand to stop her from covering her moans. She let out a low moan and Luka smiled. "Yeah... just let it all out." He said, as he put 2 fingers inside her, making her moan.

"Oh... faster please..." She begged, opening her legs wider. He began to thrust it very fast, making her squirt but he didn't stop, even though his fingers are getting milk. He continued to pleasure her, while he continues to eat her out. After 3 minutes, she finally came.

She breathes heavily and closed her eyes... as she feels her cum oozing out from her pussy. She felt Luka get on his knees and took off his boxers. "Are we doing it right now?" She asked, he nodded his head and reposition himself.

He rubs his tip on her clit in small circles and was about to enter her but before he could do it. Adrien opened the door. "Hey, Mari can we ta-" His words got cut off, when he saw them naked and in awkward position.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I disturbing you guys?" He asked, Luka glared at him and spoke. "Yeah, you are, now close the door." He said, but Adrien shrugged and continued to speak. "Hey, Mari, can we talk right now? I promise, it won't take too long." He said, as he held the door frame.

Marinette sighed, she grabbed her bra and her thong. "What are you still doing here? Are you going to watch her dress up?" Luka asked, but Adrien shook his head and left her room. After she dressed up, she followed Adrien, outside.

"What do you want? Why did you disturb us?" She asked, but Adrien glared at her. "What the hell, Marinette, you said I'm the only guy you love but now you are dating, Luka." "That was before, but now I realize I love, Luka." She replied.

"Marinette, you're just confused, you're angry because I am spending more time with Kagami and you think I don't love you anymore, so you decided to let go of me." He said, but she frowned and disagree. "No, you picked Kagami and that's final, I am now letting you go, and you should do the same." She said and walked away, but Adrien stopped her.

He grabs her hand and give her a kiss on a lip, she stood frozen in her spot and closed her eyes, but she remembered, Luka was waiting for her. So, she stopped it and slapped Adrien on his cheeks. "What the fuck, Adrien, leave me alone." She said, leaving him in the hallway.

He rubs his cheeks which has now a red mark from her slap. "Adrien, are you okay?" A man asks, he turned around to see it was Nino. "Oh yeah, I'm fine." He replied. "Are you sure, my dude? Because your cheeks are turning to red, did someone slapped you?" He asked, but he just chuckled.

"No... and uhm, what are you doing in my bedroom?" He asked, Nino looked confused and asked. "What are you talking about?" "That is where my bedroom is, and your bedroom is right there." He said, pointing their room. "Oh, right... Sorry, I must have forgotten." He said, scratching his head and left.

Adrien didn't mind what happened and just went to his bedroom, where he saw his wife, on their bed wearing a lingerie. "Hey, baby, let's have a round two." Kagami said, as she bites the bottom of her lips. "Erm, uhm, I can't, can we skip and just do it tomorrow?" He pleaded, but Kagami forced him anyway.

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