Chapter 8

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"Why is your lip glistening?" Juleka asked, pointing his lips but Adrien licked his lip and explain. "Probably from my saliva, but yeah, I just gave Marinette a present from mine nothing else, I'm going now." He said, as he left. Juleka observed his movements and could tell something happened, but Rose walked up to her and hugged her from behind, making her stop from her curiosity. "Juleka, I am now done. Let's go party!" Her wife said, she nodded and they both left.

But Juleka could tell something is wrong and she needs to know what it is...


Marinette went down the stairs to join her friends again, to her surprise they weren't there, it was empty. "Wait, did everyone left me?" She looked out the window and saw her friends hugging Adrien. They all acted, like they're not going to see him again.

I saw him looked up and smiled, waving goodbye to me. I gave him a small smile and waved back but I also saw Luka who also looked up, he looks jealous on what I'm doing right now, so I stopped. And my friends are going back inside the house, one by one, and Luka, he is the last one who got in.

I looked back at him and secretly blow him a kiss; he catches it and places his hand on his chest. I giggled, from his silly act, but Kagami ruined it. She slapped Adrien's arm's and forced him to get inside the car. I could tell, the slap hurts since he rubbed the spot where he got slapped.

He went to the other side of the car and blows a kiss back. Of course, I couldn't reject it, so I catch it. Their car left and just in time, all my friends arrived at the room. "Marinette? What are you doing here? And why didn't you go outside and said goodbye to Adrien?" Lila asked, as she places her hand in her chest.

"Probably she still has a crush on him." Alix chuckled, but Alya hit her arms with her shoulder as her eyeballs went on Luka. "Oh, right, dating..." Alya slapped her forehead as she groaned. "Let's just continue celebrating, because Marinette will also leave and go celebrate with her parents."

They all cheered, Alix grabbed the champagne and shakes it very aggressive. The lahiffe's house was now full of mess, as they all drink champagne, beer and sing karaoke. Juleka and Luka came up to Marinette.

"Hey babe, this is my gift for you." Luka said, kissing her on the lips. "Luka... this is so beautiful, but I hope you didn't spend too much money for this." She said, kissing him back. He licked his lips, tasting the lip balm. "Strawberry lip balm?"

"Rose gifted it to me." She answered. "I'm right here, watching you two going too flirty." Juleka rolled her eyes while the two chuckled. "Right, were sorry." Both said, but Juleka squinted her eyes, staring on Marinette's lips, as she shows interest on the smell of the lip balm.

"The lip balm... it smells so familiar." She said, getting closer to her. Marinette took a few steps back, feeling herself getting nervous and trembling in fear. "Fa-familiar? How so?" "I smelled it earlier... I think I smelled it from Adrien, after getting out from your room." She said, Luka turned his head towards her and asked.

"Where were you earlier?" "I was in my room, just doing my business." She replied, but Luka doesn't believe her. "Right, what were you doing then?" "Babe, it's very private, I can't tell you anything about it." She said, her eyebrows furrow as she looks at him strangely.

"I guess you don't trust me enough then." He said and looked away from her. Marinette was afraid that she might hurt his feelings and apologized. "No, no, of course not, it's just that I don't want you to get jealous."

"Jealous of what? About you and Adrien hanging out in your room earlier, is that what you're talking about?" He said in anger tone, she gritted her teeth and spoke. "What the heck, are you also spying on me?" She pushed him away, but he grabbed her hand and led her to the kitchen.

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