Chapter 9

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her mother re-think about it for a few seconds and spoke. "Hmm... It's one of your friends from high school." "Mom, I don't have a time to guess who it is, just tell me who."

"Okay then, dear, it's your friend..."


"It's your friend, Rose... she said, she forgot to give you something, but she told me not to mention anything to you, but you look so concern right now." She held her chest, feeling herself having a trouble at breathing.

"Marinette, are you okay? Did something happen?" "No, nothing, can I go outside and visit a friend?" She asked, but her mother looks super confused but, agreed. "Sure, but be careful, call me if you're not feeling well." Her mother said, she smiles at her and nods her head, grabbing her purse and left.

As she waits for a taxi to come, outside of her bakery, she grabbed her phone and called Juleka.

Marinette: Jules, where are you?

Juleka: Why?

Marinette: I need to speak to Rose, is she there with you?

Juleka: No, she isn't, she's at home right now. Why do you want to talk to my wife?

Marinette: I can't tell you, It's important.

Juleka: Hmm... Okay then.

She ended the call and continues to wait for the taxi. Minutes have passed, there is still no taxi, she's already freezing to death. She couldn't handle it anymore and decided to take a bus.

Time Skip

She arrived at their house, and slammed the door opened. She heard someone yelped, coming from the living room. "Juleka, is that you?" She heard a soft voice spoke and went to the living room. As soon Rose saw her, she stood up and slowly back away from her.

"Ma- marinette? What are you doing here?" Rose asked, shaking in fear as her back leaned on the wall. "Rose, I need to speak with you, and you already know what I'm talking about." She said, putting her hands beside her, blocking her so she couldn't escape.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She screamed at her, shaking her head, denying what she said. "You do, and your part of it." She said, their foreheads are now sticking to each other, as they both began to breathe heavily.

"Okay fine! I did that so Lila won't tell Juleka my secret!" She screamed at her, the bluenette froze, couldn't believe what she just heard. "Lila? Lila, is also included to this!?" She muttered, looking down on the floor.

"Yes, Lila knew you two were having an affair and so was Max, I'm sorry, Marinette, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I just don't want Juleka to find out my secret." She watched Marinette, slowly sat on the couch.

"Does, does Kagami knew about it?..." She asked, looking up to her friend. "I don't know, Marinette... Lila never said anything to me, all I know is that Max and me only knew about it." She said, sitting beside her and rubbed her back.

"I hope you could forgive me because of this mistake, I didn't wish to hurt you." She apologized, but Marinette wiped her tears and spoke. "I will, if you will do me a favor." Rose looked at her curious. "Anything to forgive me."

"Tell me why Lila is doing this, then I will forgive you." She looked at her serious, while her eyes widened. "Okay... so you could forgive me." She breathes deeply and began to spoke. "Lila's plan was to get you back to U.S. To do that, she blackmailed me and Max, so we could work for her, we have no choice but to agree..."

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