Chapter 4

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She got into her bed and opened her phone scrolling on Instagram until a random phone number texted her. She opened the notification to see what it messaged her, but her heart froze when she saw the message.

Random Person

???: I know what happened inside the closet, and I know you two kissed.


Random Person

???: I know what happened inside the closet, and I know you two kissed.

Her heart dropped as soon she saw the message. Who could have sent her that message? The only person who knows about it was Nino, Alya and Adrien. She thought, she messaged the number and it responded quickly.

???: I know what happened inside the closet, and I know you two kissed.

M: Who is this?

???: Does not matter who I am, what matter is, I know your dirty little secret.

M: I do not know, what you are talking about.

???: Oh yeah? What if I told Kagami about it.

M: You wouldn't dare.

???: Oh, I can.

M: Tell me who you are, or I will call the police and tell them that you're blackmailing me.

???: What would the police do? None, it's very useless to call them, they will ask what happened and I'm sure Kagami would be glad to hear it too.

M: Ok, fine, what do you want?

???: I want you to stay away from him.

M: From who?

???: Adrien.

M: Ah, I see you are a fan of Adrien, so meaning that you are a girl.

She sent the message to the random number, but it ignored her. "So, it's a girl... The only girl who came to the sleepover are my friends, none of them could have done it, they all love me. Of course, except Lila. Wait, Lila? She was in the sleepover earlier, and she also like Adrien." She thought, she began to type her message to Adrien but think for a second.

"it's night, I'll just talk to Adrien about this tomorrow..." She muttered, she moaned and rubbed her eyes. She turned off the lights and fell asleep.

The Next Day

She opened her eyes and moaned as she stretches her arms. She looked at her clock to see that it was almost afternoon. "Almost afternoon!? Wait, what time did I even fell asleep?" She asked herself, but felt a pain flashes in her head, she held her head and whines holding the pain back.

"Oww... What the heck even happened, why does my head hurts?" She asked herself, but a memory from last night suddenly appeared. "Oh... Of course, I drank too much beer and wine." She slapped her head but heard a knock from her door.

"MARI! WAKE UP, WE NEED TO GO NOW!" She heard Alya yelled outside the room. "Go where?" She thought, she stood up and opened her door. "What the, why aren't you still ready?" "Why? Where are we even going?" She asked, Alya rubbed her head and spoke.

"Oh God... I forgot to inform you." "Inform me about what?" She asked. "I forgot to tell you that all of us will go to the Christmas Market." She replied to her question. "Christmas Market? Since when we have that?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "Since we had defeated Monarch, the Mayor has decided to celebrate a Christmas Market every December since there will be no akumatized person that will ruin it." She spoke.

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