Chapter 3

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The two kissed each other with passion, with their warm body embracing from one another. But the blonde realizes what he is doing and stopped. "Adrien?" "I'm sorry Milady, but... I can't! I can't do this to Kagami."


"Adrien?" "I'm sorry Milady, but... I can't! I can't do this to Kagami." He said, feeling the guilt take over his body. "But you said you love me..." "I know! But they helped me so much, I just can't do this to them. I don't want to repay them like this, this is wrong." Adrien said, feeling confused on his feelings.

"Adrien, do you even love me or not?" She asked, grabbing his shoulders. "I do! I'm sorry, Marinette, I do love you, but this is all fucking wrong... I feel so guilty cheating on my wife." He said, slapping Marinette's hand away.

"What...? Guilty? You're feeling guilty cheating on her?" "Yes, I am, I vowed to never replace her for another woman. Now, let's just stop this and forget that this happened." He said, as he sighed. "Forget what happened today?"

"Yes, let's all move on and forget that we kissed, that was just a mistake." He said, Marinette gripped her hands and yelled. "What is wrong with you!? You said you love me and kissed me! And now you're regretting your decision!?"

"There is nothing wrong with me, Kagami helped me when I was feeling alone. I need a woman who will always stay beside me, but you didn't do any of it, you didn't even hesitate when you were leaving, and I can guess you're the one who really doesn't love me. Besides, earlier I saw how the way you looked at Luka and you two even flirted."

"So, are you saying I'm the one who is wrong right now!? And you think I didn't hesitate before leaving Paris? You don't even know how bad I wanted to stay with Paris just to be with you! But I needed to go just for the sake of my future!"

"I am not saying you are wrong and if you really do love me, you wouldn't leave me in Paris suffering from the people threats. I suffered when you were gone, but you! You're just in another country, busy focusing on your future, you didn't even think how I'm doing! You didn't even call me or message me asking me on how I'm doing, you're just too busy focusing on your future."

"I am doing it for us!" She yelled. "For us!? You mean for you! You're so selfish, the only thing you think about is yourself. When we were still superheroes, you always push me away, not giving me any attention you will only notice me when you need me." He yelled; he slammed his hands on the closet wall almost breaking it. Hot tears are rolling down on the bluenette's cheeks, taking his words seriously.

"Now I'm selfish!? You know what fine, I'm leaving!" She said, standing up and trying to open the closet. "Stop wasting your energy, there is no use of trying to open the door, its locked." He said, standing up and hugging Marinette from her back.

"I don't care! I want to get out of this stupid closet, all I just want is to be away from you!" She yelled, pushing Adrien away. "C'mon Milady, I'm so sorry, we are just so mad to each other that we didn't realize that we are hurting each other's feelings." He said, kissing her neck.

"Hurting each other's feelings? More like I'm the one who is hurt right now." She said, frowning. "Well, I'm sorry about that... Let's just forget we fought; I wasn't just thinking properly earlier." He mumbled, hugging her tightly, as he continues kissing her neck.

"Let me go! You think I could just forgive you about what you said earlier just by kissing my neck?" She said, struggling to get out from his grasp but he was so strong. Soon, Marinette's energy drains out from her body and gave up.

"Hey! Are you two okay there?" Nino asked from outside of the room, but also heard Alya yelling. "NINO! You weren't supposed to go in!" They heard Alya yelled. "Uhh, what's going on?" Both asked, but they didn't get any response, but they did hear the door shut closed.

"ALYA! NINO! HEY! GET US OUT! IT'S SO HOT IN HERE!" Marinette yelled; Adrien just sighed. "There is no use of yelling Marinette, they set us up." "What do you mean?" She asked. "They knew we don't have enough courage to talk to each other, so they set us up."

She sighed and sat on the corner. "I'm tired, I want to go to sleep..." She mumbled, Adrien sat beside her and comforted her. "Don't worry, we will be out soon... Let's just take a rest." He said, placing his hands on Marinette's head and slowly putting it on his shoulders.

Few minutes have passed, both have finally fell asleep. 7 minutes has passed, finally the closet door opened. "Adrien! Are you okay?" She yelled, but only to see her sleeping and cuddling with her friend Marinette.

She ran towards them and pushed the bluenette who was sleeping, waking her up. "What's going on?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. She saw her friends standing outside the closet whispering. "Marinette! What did you do to my husband?" She asked, Marinette was confused and looked at Adrien.

"Uhm, I didn't do anything." "Then why is there a hickey mark on his neck!? And look at him, he won't wake up!" She yelled, shaking her husband. "What?" She immediately sat and tried to wake him up. "Adrien! Hey, wake up! Stop joking around!" But the model continued to sleep.

"Someone gets some water!" His wife yelled. "I'll get it, after all I'm an athlete." Kim said, flexing his muscles. "I don't give a fuck about your life, just get some water." Kagami yelled, continuing to shake Adrien.

Finally, Kim arrived and poured the water on his face. "KIM! We still haven't given you any instructions." Marinette yelled, the model woke up and began to cough. "ADRIEN! Oh, I'm so worried about you." She said, kissing his cheeks repeatedly.

"What happened?" "You were stuck in a closet with Marinette for an hour now [glares at Marinette and looked back at Adrien] without drinking any water and without eating some food, but I'm glad you're safe!"

"Hmm... yeah, thank God, I'm fine." "Do you want to go to our room now and rest?" She asked, the blonde nodded, and they both stood up, leaving their friends. "Oooh~" Her friends said, after the two left. "What?" "Did you two make- out?" The curious Rose asked.

"Are you joking, Rose? Of course, those two make-out." Alya said, who sounds proud about it. "We didn't, Alya I need to talk to you." "Sorry girl, I can't me and Nino are now going to sleep, c'mon babe let's go." She said, grabbing Nino's arms and ran away.

"Hey, stop trying to ignore me." "Leave them Marinette, both always do this after we finished the game." Luka said, she looked at everyone and they nodded agreeing at what Luka said. "Okay... I'll just go to sleep." She said, getting out from the closet and headed to her room.

She began to prepare her night routine, after preparing she got into her bed and opened her phone scrolling on Instagram until a random phone number texted her. She opened the notification to see what it messaged her, but her heart froze when she saw the message.

Random Person

???: I know what happened inside the closet, and I know you two kissed.

To be continued...

Posted on December 17, 2022

Word Count: 1271 words

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