Chapter 11

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He took something out from his pocket. "Marinette... Will you marry me and make me the happiest men in this world?..." As he opens the box, revealing a diamond ring. Her eyes widen as the ring sparkled. They heard Kim screaming telling them to come, since the new year was about to start.

"Marinette?" He asked, as she heard her friends doing a countdown. "I-I oh god... YES! I will!" The blonde wore the ring on her finger and stood up. "3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" The fireworks had started as soon, two had kissed. Forgetting that they were in front of their friends...

"MARINETTE?!" They heard someone yelled from a distant. They turned their head to see, Luka who was holding a knife.


"MARINETTE?!" They heard someone yelled from a distant. They turned their head to see, Luka who was holding a knife.

He looks angry, he was gripping the knife as he looked at both, giving them a death glance. "Luka? Drop the knife!" She yelled at him, Luka looked at her and yelled. "HOW DARE YOU, MARINETTE! SAYING THAT YOU LOVE ME, BUT YOU WERE ONLY USING ME TO MOVE ON FROM ADRIEN! ARE YOU REALLY THAT WHORE, SO YOU CAN DATE BOTH OF US?! YOU'RE SO SELFISH!" He screamed; our friend looked at us; their eyes were full of terror as they saw Luka holding a knife.

"Luka, please stop. Let me explain things to you." But it was too late, he ran towards him and tackled Adrien to the ground as they fight for their life. She grabbed Luka's arms, trying to stop him from killing Adrien, but his elbow had hit her face, making her fall to the ground.

The boys ran up to them and tried to remove Luka, as they pulled him away from Adrien, who got a little cut on his cheeks. "What are y'all doing?! Why are you guys stopping me? They're the one who was wrong!" He said, trying to escape from their grasp.

"Sorry, but you're going to kill them." They said as they carried him outside and tried to make him calm. As soon they were already out. Adrien saw Kagami from a distant crying her poor heart out and walked away from the scene.

"Marinette, can I leave you for a few minutes? I need to talk to Kagami." He asked for a permission and the bluenette agreed. He followed Kagami to her mother's garden (Emily's Garden) and she sat Infront of Emily's statue as Kagami continues to cry.

"I'm very sorry Kagami, I didn't wish for you to find out this way." He said, feeling guilt taking over his body. "Don't worry, I already know you two were having an affair. Nino told me everything when the two of you bump in the hallway. At first, I didn't believe him but once I got home from the airport right after I gave my mother a lift. I saw something under a bed, it's a fabric. And do you know what happen next? When I took it out, I saw a ripped T-shirt. So, I checked every room starting to my closet, but guess what was on the ground? My personal things."

"W-what? Wait? Nino couldn't tell you anything. He's my best bud! And that doesn't explain how you find out about our affair. That doesn't prove anything." He confusedly said, Kagami smiled at him and continued to speak. "Well, because you didn't let me finish. When I saw my personal stuff spread to the ground, I knew someone was in our room and it was a girl and I knew she would come back to see the other pictures, I had. And there it is, I saw Marinette earlier on my closet holding my personal stuff."

"But how could you Adrien? You said you love me, but you proposed to Marinette. You were having an affair behind my back and Luka's back." She sobbed and Adrien rolled his eyes and sat beside her. "Of course, you would care about Luka's feelings. I knew something is going on between you two."

Kagami looked at him confused, doesn't know what he was talking about. "What are you talking about? I'm not having any affair with any men; I only love you." Adrien let out a chuckle and spoke. "Don't flatter me and don't act like nothing is going on between you and Luka. I know you two are also having an affair when we are engaged. I know everything Kagami, so don't act innocent because you never were."

He stood up and was about to leave, until Kagami spoke. "You can't leave me! You agreed to my mother's deal. You can't just broke the contract! We had agree to do this!" She screamed, the blonde let out a sigh and give her a last look. "That's why I'm divorcing you. Here. Take this." He said as he throws the ring to the ground.

"I won't be needing that anymore. Goodbye, Kagami." He said, leaving her. The poor girl, fell on her knees and cried, as she saw the guy she loves, left her for her friend, who swears to never betray her.

At Marinette

She was sitting on the bench again, where Adrien had just proposed to her. Thinking her mistakes on her life.

It must be hurtful for Kagami to find out this way... But why did Adrien want to meet her? Is he... going to cancel our marriage?...

She shakes her head, trying to remove the negative thoughts.

No, he wouldn't do that. He loves me, he can't leave me, we had already planned our life. But will he? I mean he loves Kagami too, so it must be hard for him to pick. If he's going to pick her, then... I'll leave Paris for my own good and for his own good.

She thought, suddenly someone kissed her cheeks. "Sorry, for making you wait too long, Marinette." He said sitting beside her and put his arms around her neck. "Have you made your decision? Are you going to cancel our marriage for... Kagami?..." She asked, with tears in her eyes.

"WHAT?! Of course not! I proposed to you because I'm ready to leave her. I'm divorcing her, Marinette. For you..." He said, the bluenette was shocked at what she was hearing.

Is he real for that?...

"Are you sure, what if you will change your mind on our wedding day and you will run away from the aisle, because you love Kagami again?!..." She asked panicking, but the blonde chuckled at her reaction. "Don't worry, Milady. I'm sure to this decision. I love you so much and I'm willing to give up everything."

"Oh, chaton! I love you too!" She give him a kiss on the lips and Adrien gladly accepted it. After a while, they stopped and looked at each other. "I need you to do me a favor. (Marinette looked at him, confused.) I want you to leave Paris tomorrow morning. Don't worry, I will follow you but now, I need to talk to the lawyer about my divorce with Kagami."

"But I want to stay her and help you." She whined but the blonde shook his head and let out a deep sigh. "I know you want to, and I also want you to stay with me but... Kagami's mother might go back to Paris and will hire any Hitler to kill you and I don't want to lose you." He said, Marinette furrowed her brow, understanding his reason.

"If that's what you want, then I'll do it." She said, he gives her a smile and spoke. "Thank you and don't worry, I'll send you a private plane and I'll hire people to protect you but now, let's go watch the moon together." He spoke. She nodded her head and rest her head to his shoulder.

The Next Day

Marinette had arrived at the private plane that Adrien had send her. And put her luggage to the cabins and took a sit. She rested herself and the flight attendants offered her a tray full of snacks. (Let's just say, she took the snacks she wanted to eat.)

After eating, she could feel herself full from the food she ate and fell asleep.


She heard a scream, making her wake up. She suddenly felt a cold metal that had stick to her forehead and someone took her sleeping mask off. The first thing she saw is a black clothing, when she looked up, she saw a man pointing a gun to her forehead.

Then the guy pulled the trigger...


To be continued...

Posted on January 23, 2023

Word count: 1427 words

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