Chapter 6

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"Marinette, will you be my girlfriend...?" He asked, the bluenette froze and said...


"Marinette, will you be my girlfriend...?" He asked, the bluenette froze and said... "Luka... I ca-" She was interrupted when she remembered the letter that she just saw earlier. If she's still not going to move on from, Adrien, she is sure his marriage with Kagami will get ruined just because of the kiss.

And Adrien, will be sad to lose the woman he loves... So, she nodded her head and spoke. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." She smiled, he stood up and kissed her. "Marinette... You don't know you just made me happy." He said,

And Adrien, will be sad to lose the woman he loves... So, she nodded her head and spoke. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." She smiled, he stood up and kissed her. "Marinette... You have no idea that you just made me the happiest man, in this world. I love you so much, blueberry..." He said, hugging her, she smiled and tapped his back.

"Yea... I love you too..." She spoked back. After the ride ended, they went to the place, what Alya requested before they left.

Adrien's POV

Me and my wife, saw our friends waiting for us, very patient. We came up to them and they were busy eating sweets, without me. "Hey guys." He said, he looked for Marinette but can't see her. "Where is Marinette and Luka?" He asked, Alya looked at him and smiled.

"They are on Ferris wheels right now, just the two of them." She said, Adrien smiled and knew she won't flirt with Luka just to get revenge on him. But Juleka said something, making Adrien's smile fade away. "Actually, Luka is going to ask Marinette to be his girlfriend right now." She spoke lowly. "Wait really!?" Alya asked shockingly.

"There is 90.8 % that Marinette will reject Luka, since she loves someone else." Max said, Juleka shook her head on disbelief. "No, last night, Marinette and Luka had a make- out session on the living room. So, my brother still has a chance." She said, Alya chocked on her popcorn and demanded Nino for a water.

A few minutes later, Rose screamed and pointed their hands. All, look at what she was pointing at, and they saw Luka and Marinette walking, while holding hands. "Oh my... No way, this is happening." Alya said, cleaning her glasses.

"Hey guys..." Marinette waved shyly. "Are you two... dating right now?" Adrien asked, in a sad tone. "Yes, we are." Luka said, putting his arms around her waist. "That's great, I'm happy for you two." Kagami said, proudly.

"Yeah... so do I..." Adrien spoke, Kagami looked at him worryingly. "Hon, are you okay?" She asked, stroking his muscles. "Yeah, let's just go take the ride and go home." He said, his wife nodded and they all head inside the ride.

Time Skip

They all went to Alya and Nino's house again to spend time with Adrien since he is going back to his mansion in next two days. When they arrived, they all immediately changed into their pj's and went to the living room to play truth or dare.

"Wherever the bottle lands to, you are going to tell the truth and you must do, your dare. If you do not, then let's drink this strong alcohol." Nino said, pointing the glass of alcohol Infront of them. "This will be easy for me!" Kim said, cracking his fingers.

"Oh yeah, bring it on." Alix said. The game has started, at first it was a piece of cake, but once another round has passed, the challenge is getting more difficult than ever it was. Everyone is getting drunk slowly since they can't handle the challenge. (I kinda forgot to add Alix on the recent chapters, I'm so forgetful these days.)

Many rounds have passed, Marinette could feel herself getting dizzy, her eyes were very tired. She spun the bottle, and it landed on Lila. "OoOh~ Lila, I have a question for you..." She said, Lila got confused and spoke. "But I didn't pick truth." She said, but Marinette proceeded to her question.

"Where were you when we went to the Christmas Market? Hmm?" She asked, Lila smiled and spoke. "I was with Kagami but left when I felt myself getting tired." "Tired? Then why weren't you resting in the car?" She asked, Lila felt herself getting annoyed by her question but still answer it while smiling.

"I went to the bathroom, because I need to use it." She said, Marinette giggled and spoke. "Don't tell me that's the place you rested at, because only dirt's are only allowed to lay on the ground. I guess you're a piece of dirt..." She said and giggled, Luka chuckled and hugged her drunk girlfriend.

"Sorry, Lila, she's drunk right now. She doesn't know what she is saying." He said, even though Lila is pissed right now, she managed to control her anger, so they won't kick her out. "It's fine, Luka, I understand." She smiled; she spins the bottle, but it landed on Marinette.

"Oh, Marinette... It landed on you, now truth or dare?" She asked, the bluenette smiled and spoke. "Truth." She answered. "What happened to you and Adrien on the Christmas Market?" She asked. "We ki-" Alya placed her hand on her best friend's mouth, shutting her up.

"They just bought some decorations." She said and Lila glared at her. "Alya, I did not ask you." "But I was there." She spoke. She noticed that her best friend will now get target because of this question and decided that she should end this right away.

"Okay, I think we had enough of this game. You all can go now and Mari we need to talk." She said, dragging Marinette to the kitchen. "What the heck, I didn't know you two kissed." She whispered. "I forgot to tell you." She said, Alya got confused and asked.

"Does it mean you still have a feeling for Adrien?" She asked, the bluenette looked at her and laugh. "I don't know... Do I?" She blushed, Alya smacked her head by her best friend's silliness. "If you do, why the heck did you date Luka!" She yelled, grabbing her arms.

"Because I love him! He is such a sweetheart..." She said, feeling tired. "You don't! You love Adrien! You even said that when you arrived. Wake up, Marinette! This isn't the Marinette I know. Where did the obsessed girl go...?" She asked.

"Maybe I don't anymore, the thing I had to him is now gone. I love Luka now and that is final!" She yelled. Alya was about to respond back but Luka interrupted them. "Alya?" Luka called, Alya felt herself getting nervous but looked behind her.

"Ah, Luka! I was just congratulating Marinette about you two getting together." She laughed. "Okay... Can I take my girlfriend upstairs now?" He asked, Alya nodded her head and pushed Marinette to him. "Of course! Here you go, you can go now." She said, resting her arms on the counter.

"Thank you, come Marinette." He said, taking her hand. Marinette took a first step but almost fell but luckily, he catches her. "Never mind. I'll just carry you." He said, carrying her in his arms, in bridal style."

When they arrived at her room, he throws her in the bed and immediately took off his shirt. "Luka... what are you doing?" She asked, Luka crawl towards her and spoke. "I need to fucking taste you right now." He said and kissed her.

To be continue...

Posted on December 24, 2022

Word Count: 1253 words

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