The Backstory of (Clan name)

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Hey, little star vibes Sorry for not updating. I
Didn't know what to write cause like I have your clan's backstory and I didn't know if I should just start the story and explain it in the story or just explain your clan's backstory back like a flashback because like your clan is ancient, so I was like really confused. So I think I'm just gonna do your clans backstory first and then start the story so y'all will be confused cause I don't want you guys to be confused.😭😭😭 on top of that this is really long

Warning: grammar probably\

italics= Na'vi speaking

Ah... Yes

The back story of (your Clan name)

All of the Na'vi people told their children the story.

...Ok let's the story of (your clans name)

Long ago...

There is a clan called (Clan name)

(Clan name) was nothing but ONE big
ginormous strong clan that was known for soaring through the skies and being one with nature and spirituality including

But (Clan name) was once TWO clans. The NolaHoa (nul-lah-ho-wah) clan and Dallas Clan (a/n I have name block so bare with me😭). The NolaHoa lived in a tropical Forest, while the Dallas Clan lived somewhere near the water.

The NolaHoa clan loved the nature and it's animals and The Dallas Clan loved the sea and it's beauty. But where The NolaHoa clan lived, it was kinda to small for the clan.

So the Clan move towards the where the water was kinda. But they were stopped by the Dallas Clan. The Dallas Clan, They didn't Like that there was trespassers.

The NolaHoa clan explained that where they lived at was kinda to small for them and that needed some where to stay at And that they promised that they won't bother them.

The Dallas Clan accepted and told them can stay.

Overtime the two clan became closer and closer. Showing each other their ways and how they do stuff.


The chief's daughter from The NolaHoa clan snuck out at night and  the son of Dallas Clan did the same. And decide to explore.

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