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Italics And underline= You speaking in your

Normal= Human language

Italics= Na'vi language or thoughts

BOLD= when Ja'kā is speaking


Stephanie woke up to Norm shaking her. "Stephanie, Stephanie, come on back." Norm told her, she groaned as she sat up from the link bed. "Damn bro, my back." Stephanie mumbled, rubbing her back. Norm help her out of the bed(like a gentleman👏🏾). Grace walked over to her  "Is your avatar safe?" Grace asked her. "She safe alright." Stephanie chuckled, they walked to Jake's link bed and started waking him up too.

Grace shined a little in his eye trying to wake him up. "Jake. Jake!" Grace said trying to wake him up. "He's coming out right now." Norm informed them. "Jake. Jake!" Repeatedly flash, the light into his eyes.

"omg Brooo wake up!" Stephanie eagerly, want him to wake up so they can all go eat. Jake was finally out of is sleep like trace and starting to come back into reality. "Come on back, kid. Come on. that's it." Grace said to him while gently hitting his face. They helped his sit up in his link bed. "Damn! You were dug in like a tick." Grace chuckled.

Jake groaned as he sat up. Grace then asked the same question she asked Stephanie. "Is the Avatar safe?" Grace asked Jake. "Yeah, Doc." Jake said. "And you are not going to believe where we are." Jake laughs looking at Grace then Stephanie. And chuckled.

(Timeskip to them at lunch)

You're all at lunch having a conversation. "The last thing we see is these Marine's asses." Grace told them the story. "Disappearing into the brush with this anger Thanator coming after them." Grace said hand gestures and everyone laughs, including Stephanie. "That not something you can teach." Jake said with food in his mouth.

"That is awesome." Max said. "You know, for reason I cannot fathom." Grace continued. "The Omaticaya have chosen you both. God help is all." Grace said, causing the people to laugh.

(Timeskip to Jake and Quaritch)

"Jarhead clan?" Quaritch said in disbelieve. He laughs at the name. "And it worked?" He said in a hint of shock. "Hey, we're practically family." Jake chuckled and looked at Stephanie, who was zoned out into space. "They're gonna study us. We have to learn to be one of them." Jake said resting his arms on the table.

"That's called taking initiative, son." Quaritch said. "I wish I had ten more like you." He said before walking away.

"Look, Sully, hearts-king" Parker said losing his patience. "Just find out what the blues monkeys want." He said paces on the other side of the table. Stephanie rolled her eyes at the name 'blue monkeys'.

"You know, I mean, we try to give them medicine, education, roads." Parker said still pacing around. "But no, no, no, they like mud." Parker looked at Jake and Stephanie

"And that wouldn't bother me, it just that they're..." he said scrolling on the hologram table, trying show them what bothering him. "Hey, can you...Can somebody just...Sector 12." He said as the men searches for him. "Okay, go, go, go, stop." Parker told them. Zooming in, showing a familiar hometree.

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