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Italics And underline= You speaking in your

Normal= Human language

Italics= Na'vi language or thoughts


(3rd Person POV)

Jake was anxiously and eagerly using his knife to shape out the tip of his spear. Being cautious after the Thanator incident, Stephanie on the other hand was hella paranoid and traumatized. She was also creating a spear.

Jake looked at her and saw her eyebrows furrowed, focusing hard on the tip of the spear that she was creating.

Stephanie was muttering to herself, regretting on coming out here.

After that Jake and Stephanie roamed deeper in to the forest. Hearing small roaring sounds and other unknown sounds. Jake instantly turned around and looked.

While Stephanie was checking all her surroundings. Being hella cautious, and not wanting to go through the same mess all over again.


It was nightfall, Jake and Stephanie was still roaming around, trying to find shelter.

Jake had a box of matches in is mouth and climbed up the tree that had sticky substance on it, that looked like sap or honey. He it cover it in the substance, while doing that, They heard crackling sounds from the distance.

Stephanie was on the lookout making sure nothing is going to come out of nowhere and attack them. Stephanie watched as Jake take the matches out his mouth and try to light it up.

"Jake, I don't think that's a good idea." Stephanie whispered loudly to him. "We need it to lore them away." He whispered back at her, continuing to try to light up the match.

"But that would also attract them." Stephanie whispered to Jake again, the crackling and growling sounds got louder and closer.

Stephanie and Jake looked around cautiously anxious. Soon as Jake's match lit up, he created a torch and wave it around. Stephanie stayed close to Jake and watched as the creatures hiss at them.

Jake continued to wave his torch around to try and scare them off, but that didn't work. Jake and Stephanie continued to defend themselves from the vicious creatures.

But that didn't stop them. Jake frantically waved the torch around. Stephanie held a firm grip on her spear and to kinda scare them off by thrusting the spear at the creatures faces.

The vicious features started to surround them, growling at them, showing their sharp black Teeth."I don't have all goddamn night." Jake said irritated.

Soon, one of them decided to launch itself at Jake. "Jake behind you!" Stephanie yelled. Jake turned around and hit the Creatures known as the viperwolf with his torch.

Another one launched itself at them, Jake stab the creature with the end of his torch, which caused him to drop it. "Shit." Stephanie muttered under her breath.

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