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Heyy Little star vibes, I do have OC'S in this book that you will see. So in this chapter you're not in this chapter 1st but you will be in next Chapter so don't worry.

Warning: absolute effing chaos. I Proof read it but probably there are spelling mistakes.

Italics And underline= You speaking in your

Normal= Human language

Italics= Na'vi language or thoughts


(Jake's POV)

I woke up, and I looked around. There was blue light and it a tad bit dark but there was still light. As I continue to look around, something caught my eye a little, a water droplets were floating around. Then I heard monitors beeping.  And I started to look around more and move a little bit...Then I felt myself moving, Next thing I know there was more compartments opening and a lot of people strapped down, including me. I looked to my left and doctor float towards me and unstraps me from my bed.

Then doctor yell out to the other people who were getting out and moving around. "You been in cryo for five year, ninth months and 22 days!" He said. Then the doctor told them sense they haven't eaten they would be feeling weak and dizzy.

(Small timeskip)

I was on a ship and we were getting prepared for landing. "Exo-packs on! let's go! Exo-packs on!" I hear the man shout, everyone on including me were putting it on. "Remember people, if you lose that mask, you will been unconscious for 20 seconds and dead in 4 minutes." The man said while walking by.

When we landed, I instantly took my seatbelt off. I waited a little bit for the people to get out and when they did, I grabbed the wheelchair, open it, set in front of me, hopped of my seat on the wheelchair and rolled out.

(Another small time skip)

I rolled down the hallway. There was a lot of people but I didn't care. As I was still rolling down the hall I was...


...How did Chief Quaritch get his scar?...

As I was scrolling down the crowded hallway, I heard somebody call my name.

"Jake!" Somebody yelled out as I kept going. "You're Jake, right?" I turned my head to see who it was. It was a tall man. "Tom's brother." He said as he walked beside me. I just looked at him, not knowing who he was. "Wow!...you look just like him."he said in amazement. "Sorry. I'm Norm Spellman." He introduce him and held out his hand.

I shook his hand. "I went through avatar training with him." He said. As we were going down the hall we went into the bio-lab. As he started to explained about Avatars and the its link. I look around and I wonder off and looked around.

And there it was...The Amnio Tanks. Me and Norm got closer to the tanks. "Hey! Welcome." The male scientist greet me. "Hey." I greeted back and shook his hand. "Welcome! Welcome to Pandora." He continued. I got closer to the tanks and saw Norm's Avatar. His Was huge. As they were talking, the scientist looked at me and said "there's yours." He said pointed.

I turned around and saw Mines. I rolled closer to examine my Avatar, so did Norm. As I did I saw a tank with someone else's Avatar. A female, until then I heard Light but kinda heavy foot steps coming towards our way.

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