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Italics And underline= You speaking in your

Normal= Human language

Italics= Na'vi language or thoughts


(3rd person POV)

Stephanie looked in 'awe' As she saw the big giant tree..."this is going to be one hella of a night." Stephanie mumbled and sighed.

As they were going there, many people moved out the way. And yet they got closer, looking at them up and down. And one of them touched Jake as he pass by them. Stephanie on the other hand felt someone pull her tail and this Made her nervous as hell. Stephanie never really liked crowds.

They made it to the center of the tree, the chief looked at them with a frown. "Ma Sempul." The women said. Stephanie had the most confused look on her face, she knew was 'sempul' mean, but she wasn't expecting the woman to be the daughter of the clan leader. Jake was looking around acknowledging the place. "Oel ngati kameie." She said to towards the leader.

The Leader walked towards them, and got even more closer to Jake and Jake nodded his head showing respect, Then the leader looked at Stephanie, Stephanie could have swore she saw a very little smile.

The leader walk away and towards his daughter. "This creature..." he said towards his daughter "...why do you bring them here?" He asked is daughter while stopping in front of her. "I was going to kill them...." she said looking up him. "...but there was a sign from Eywa." She towards him bending slightly. "I have said..." The leader with his voice slightly echoing. "...no dreamwalker will come here." He said with a stern voice.

"What's he saying?" Jake asked her curiously. "Their alien smell fills my nose." He said towards his daughter. The people chuckled at this remarks. "Hey, what's he saying?" Jake asked her again. "My father is deciding whether to kill you." She turned around towards Jake.

Stephanie felt her breath tightened, she start to fiddle with her fingers out of stress and nervousness. "Your father. It's nice to meet you, sir." Jake before said while walking towards the leader and expanding his hand as to shake his. But was instantly stopped and hissed at.

Stephanie put her hands in her pockets and balled up her lips and standing back a little bit. "Step back!" someone shouted in Na'vi, it sounded stern and feminine. Everyone looked and saw a woman walking down the staircase spiral while pointing towards Jake and Stephanie direction.

"I will look at these aliens." she said walk closer to Jake and Stephanie. "That is Mother." The Woman informed them, who she is. "She is Tsahik. the one who interprets the will of Ewya." The woman added. "Who's Eywa?" Jake asked her and Stephanie rolled her eyes at his question. The Tsahik walked around them and inspected them, touching their tails and braids.

The Tsahik stopped in front of them and asked. "What are you called?" She asked in English, looking at them. "Jake Sully." Jake said introducing himself. The Tsahik then looked at Stephanie waiting for her to introduce herself as well. "Stephanie Hearts-king." Stephanie said looking at the woman before looking down.

The Tsahik took her needle like thing and poked Jake with it, grunted at the sudden poke. Then she poked Stephanie and she flinched. "Ow." Stephanie whispered quietly. The Tsahik licked the blood of it. "Why did you come to us?" She asked them.

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