chapter four

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"Thank you for not being too stubborn." Felix chuckled as he unlocked Changbin's dorm.

"Yeah." Jisung smiled.

It was slightly awkward, because the pretty boy was standing right next to him, waiting to get inside his dorm too. Han had just met the guy and now he's invading his home. How scrumptious.

"I'm sorry if I'm an inconvenience for you." He turned to Minho, speaking softly. "But I just know if I went home Felix would call me every 5 minutes."

"I don't exactly know what's this all about and would appreciate if you tell me, but if not, don't worry about being a nuisance, I don't really mind."

Jisung slightly frowned at the boy indirectly calling him a nuisance, but he was just happy he wasn't rude about this whole situation, despite meeting that day.

"Han, you're okay with sleeping on the couch, right?" The freckled boy asked as the four of them entered the apartment. It was actually really spacious, considering the fact that it was a two-student dorm on a college campus.

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay. Let me get you a blanket from Changbin's room." He said and disappeared for a second, but quickly returned with a big and soft white blanket in hand. "Here." He handed it to Han.

"Thank you." He thanked and got closer to Felix, "Hey, do you maybe have wound wash?" He hesitantly whispered, feeling Minho's eyes burning holes in him.

"Don't know. Not my apartment." Felix responded, slightly frowning.

"What do you need?" Minho asked, accidentally overhearing.

"Uhm, no, nothing." Han visibly cringed.

"Dude, just tell him unless you're a fan of fucking infections." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Infections? What do you need?"

"Wound wash." Jisung quietly spoke.

"Are you hurt?" Minho asked, growing slightly concerned.

"A little."

"Where? What happened?"

"Doesn't concern you. Do you have it or no?" Han was so afraid of opening up, even the thought of it made him want to crawl under his own rib cage.

The older squinted his eyes. "No."

"Then why—"

"But," Minho cut him off, "I might have it if you tell me where you're hurt. I could even help you treat the wounds. My dad works in the hospital, I have some knowledge on that kind of stuff."

"I don't need your help, I just need the wash."

"Why are you hiding it that much? Is it on your cock or something?" He bitterly asked.

"Excuse me? You're such a creep!" Jisung slightly raised his voice, growing insanely frustrated.

"Don't yell."

"Ya, Han. Chill out." Felix sternly remarked, listening into the whole conversation from the couch.

"Just give me the damn wash." He groaned.

"I already told you that I don't have it, sorry."

"Are you being fucking serious right now? Why can't you just give it to me! You're being so difficult."

"Because. I. Don't. Have. It."

"Yes you do! Please give it to me, I really need to take care of the wounds." Han sighed in content. "Please."

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