chapter twenty-three

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The next morning Felix found Han and Minho cuddled up to each other and the sight made him slightly frown. There was one thing that bothered him way too much for far too long. He had had enough of leading on and constant lies made up by Minho. "Has he told him yet?" He whispered to Changbin who just shrugged his shoulders.

"He said he would."

"Yeah, but has he?"

"Don't know." The older said and Felix deeply sighed. He walked over to Jisung and slightly tapped hi shoulder, trying to wake him up.

"Mhm?" He sleepily hummed, still not opening his eyes.

"Wake up, we need to talk." The boy said, assured of himself.

"About what~" Jisung yawned and rubbed the tiredness out of his half lidded eyes.

"Can't say, get ready quick, okay? We're going for a walk."


"Soo... What did you want to talk about?" Jisung curiously asked as they sat on a bench next to the park him and the older walked around in the other day.

"You and Minho."

"...What about us?" He popped a brow suspiciously.

"How are things between y'all?"

"Everything seems good. He treats me really well."

"Do you like him?" Felix straightforwardly asked, hoping for a negative answer.

"Yeah and I really hope he likes me too. Has he mentioned anything about me to y'all?"

"He hasn't told you, has he?" He said extremely disappointed in the older.


"He wants nothing to do with you." He harshly said, but it was the truth—he didn't. "He only wants to sleep with you."

"Excuse me? Sleep with me?"

"Hate it to break it to you."

"What..." Jisung mumbled, not being able to process this new information. He was nonetheless dumbfounded. How could he have been so oblivious, tangled up in these little games.

"I'm sorry, Sungie. You're only here so he could have sex with you."

"How do you know? You're not actually for real, are you? Are you playing with me?" Jisung desperately asked, not wanting to believe it.

"I am not, but he is. He told me and Changbin a couple of days before this trip."

"And you knew it the whole time?"


"You knew and didn't tell me about it?! You knew that he is only going to use me and decided not to fucking tell me? How shitty of a friend you are, Lix." Tears began welling up in the corners of his eyes. "I can't believe you would do such thing to your best friend. I'm so disappointed."

"Listen, Han. He told me this and he said he will make sure to let you know that he only wants the physical part of whatever this is and if you wouldn't be interested in that, he would be off. He said he would make sure you know about it. But that mother fucker lied apparently and didn't tell you what he was supposed to fucking tell. He doesn't want a relationship or anything like that. He just wants to sleep around. I've known him since Changbin moved in a dorm with him and so I know what type of person he is. He is a player, Sungie. He only wants to fuck you and here I am telling you what he should have a long time ago." Felix explained.

"Why would he do that to me." Jisung wiped the stray tear, rolling down his heated cheek.

"You know how boys are. Just stupid."

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