chapter twenty-two

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Minho held Han's hand as he guided them to their empty hotel room, the older growing excited as Jisung lightly giggled. Minho closed the doors shut and locked them before turning to the younger. "What do you wanna do that we are alone now?"

"Any suggestions?"

"Maybe if you're thinking what I'm thinking..." Minho wandered off.

"Well, I don't know what you're thinking." Han smiled as the older tucked a strand of stray hair behind his ear, making him slightly blush.

Minho just lowly chuckled before smashing his lips against Jisung's.

The younger hummed into the kiss, immediately responding to it. He started walking backwards and sat on the bed, making Minho hover as he remained standing. He could feel his strong hand snake around his neck and grip tightly at his throat.

"Min~" Han breathed out through his blocked airways, excitement filling up his whole entire body.

"Hm?" He hummed into the kiss, lifting Han's face even more as his grip tightened. Jisung put his own hand over the one around his neck, savouring the feeling.

Minho pulled away and removed his hand, "So pretty." He kissed Han's neck, making hundreds of butterflies violently erupt in his stomach. "So perfect." He kept mumbling into his neck as he sucked and bit all over the skin.

Jisung's hands went to the older's shoulders as he began loosening his tie. Minho just smirked into the little pecks he was giving to the muscle. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in Han's hand, before tipping him over, making him fall to his back. He then got on top of him, looking down at the bothered boy.

"Ready, Hannie?" He gently asked, admiring his soft features.

"For what?"

"To go all the way?" Minho rushed, getting impatient.

Jisung's expression immediately changed into a pretty disappointed one as soon as he looked at the item Minho had put into his hand. "No."

"No?" Minho asked slightly irritated at the fact that he couldn't seem to crack his shell for this long. It was taking him far too long. Longer than he had expected.

"No, as I said, I am not ready to go all the way, yet." Han said and carefully handed back Minho the condom as he got off of him with a sigh. "But," He pulled Minho back on top, "That doesn't mean I can't, you know, give you pleasure some other way."

"And what could possibly that be?"

"I could, perhaps, go down on you and make you cum."

"Yeah, confident?" Minho grinned, loving the idea. He was finally going to get something sexual.

Jisung just giggled and nodded his head. He had never given proper head before, but he was quite confident in his ability to make the older finish, since he had a really good gag reflex, letting him go down more easily.

"Okay, then." Minho grinned and started unbuttoning his pants. Jisung just sat there, eagerly smiling from ear to ear. "Have you ever done it before?"


"Oh? So you're pretty bold, aren't you?" He chuckled as he discarded his pants.

"You could say that." Han smiled and started unbuttoning the older's silky shirt, revealing toned chest and well-built abs. "You're body is hot." He commented, getting nervous.

"Is that so?

"Mhm." He mumbled and threw Minho to the side, getting on top of him.

"Woah, easy, babe."

Jisung could feel the pet name going straight to his heart as a light blush started spreading on his face. He leaned down and started kissing his stomach, humming into each peck. Minho's hand slid between Han's beautiful locks, messing his hair up completely as he swirled his tongue around every corner of his abs, making the older breath heavily. Jisung started to pull at his boxers, but something suddenly felt so off. He quickly pulled away and looked at the older.

"You okay?" Minho asked.

"Okay, maybe, I don't actually want to do it." He mumbled embarrassed.

"No? Why?"

"It's triggering, I'm sorry."

"Did I do something wrong?" Minho asked concerned as he started buttoning up his shirt.

"No! God no. It's not you, I just—it's like that night all over again. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, you don't need to apologise." Minho nodded his head in understanding, putting his pants back on.

"But still, I feel horrible. I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry." Jisung kept rambling, feeling bad about leading the older on.

"No really, it's okay. We probably shouldn't be doing it either way." Minho said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Do you maybe wanna get something to eat?" He asked, desperately trying to switch the topic.

Jisung thickly gulped, "I'm not that hungry."

"But you barely ate anything at the dinner."

"No, I ate." Jisung said, slight irritation lacing his words.


"I ate." He said now more obviously that he was getting annoyed at the older.

"Hey, no need to get upset."

"I'm not upset, I'm just talking."

"But you are upset over the fact that I brought it up."

"I'm not."

"You think I don't know what you're doing? You know that I know. You didn't eat and you won't. It's a disorder, Han. You're sick." Minho gently said, trying to be as careful as possible with this topic.

"No, I'm not! Stop, Minho." He denied, heart aching slightly at the straightforward confrontation.

"You need to eat."

"I ate! Stop forcing me!"

"Shh, don't shout. I only want what's best for you."

"Fuck off, Minho." Han growled frustrated.

"Woah there." Minho knew he had hit his sensitive spot just by the way he was talking to him. "Okay, how about you're good for tonight, but tomorrow we're having lunch together."

Jisung rolled his eyes, "Fine. Now shut up."

"So grumpy." The older simply chuckled.

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