chapter eleven

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Jisung stood in the airport as he waited for the others to arrive, still trying to comprehend the fact that in less than 2 hours he'll be no longer in South Korea and be on his way to Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

He was dressed quite comfortably: black baggy sweatpants and an oversized white t-shirt with silver headphones draped around his neck, preparing himself to sit through a 5 hour flight.

He looked around when suddenly he saw a familiar figure walking in the distance. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out the boy's face.

"Felix!" He shouted after recognising him, waving his hand in the air.

"You're here!" The freckled boy ran straight to his hands and gave him a tight hug. Changbin and Minho appeared behind Felix seconds after, coming to say hello.

"Hey." Changbin said, fist bumping him. "Have you been waiting for long?"

"Just a couple of minutes." Jisung smiled and looked at Minho. "Hi."

"Hey." He spread his arms, aiming for a hug. Han slightly blushed and gave him a quick hug.

It was nothing out of the ordinary, but he found the gesture quite intentional, because Changbin gave him a fist bump, 'cause they didn't really know each other and Minho could have done the same as that was the same case for them too. But instead, he greeted him in a more intimate way. And Han really liked that.

"Let's get the luggage checked in or we'll be late for the gates." Changbin said and after nodding, everyone started walking with their heavy suitcases.

Felix and his boyfriend walked first, leaving Han and Minho slightly behind. Jisung didn't dare to utter a single word, walking silently.

"Did you pack everything you need?" Minho asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I didn't really know what I needed so I just shoved a bunch of things in there." He lightly chuckled.

"You'll be alright."

"Oh, and how's the living situation is going to be?" Han asked, subconsciously biting the inside of his left cheek.

"It's basically like a hotel and the whole team and their plus ones will be sharing rooms. Some of them might be conjoined so don't be too surprised if we have a couple of roommates." Minho explained, making the younger even more nervous. He was never good around new people. "Of course, that wouldn't be too convenient, but oh well." Minho continued.

"Why wouldn't it be convenient?"

"It's like a running joke between the team that someone who ends up rooming with a couple, usually switches rooms in the middle of the stay. 'Cause you know the plus ones are often girlfriends or boyfriends of the players and—and you get where I'm going with that." The older laughed.

"Does that really occur that often?" Han asked in utter disbelief.

"Yeah. Almost on every trip."

"Have you—have you ever been the cause of someone having to switch rooms?" The curiosity got the best of him as he asked a quite personal questions that put the older right on the spot.

"I may have or may have not." Minho just shrugged his shoulders, the answer being clearer than it should have been.

"Damn, no shame, innit? Weren't you scared of getting caught?"

"I was cautious, I guess. But Changbin clearly wasn't." He let out a high pitched giggle.

"What do you mean?"

"Coach wanted to check out Changbin's cleats that he kept whining about, but accidentally walked in on him and Felix. We still tease him to this day about it."

"Felix have never told me this." Jisung narrowed his eyes.

"He's probably still embarrassed."

"Maybe." He just shrugged it off.


As soon as Jisung stepped out of the plane he took a deep breath, hoping for cool and refreshing air, but only got hit by extremely hot and humid light breeze.

He was relieved they had finally landed, because the seats were completely random, making everyone sit separately so he didn't have anyone to talk to the entire time. But he was pretty sure he sat next to one of Minho's teammates, judging by the fact that he had a 2018 FIFA keychain on his carry-on bag.

Han stood outside by the front entrance, waiting for his friends to come out. Felix walked out, sleepy as fuck, slightly zoning out.

"You seem tired." Han nudged the boy's shoulder.

"I was sleeping the entire flight, bruh. Don't tell Changbin, but I accidentally fell asleep on a stranger's shoulder." He whispered.

"That would happen to you." A high pitched giggle left his mouth.

Minho and Changbin walked up to them shortly after, the older immediately fiddling his pockets, trying to find something. He pulled it out and with shaky hands quickly lit it, trapping a cigarette between his lips. He took an extremely needed drag and blew out the smoke into the air. He had his back turned to everyone, feeling slightly embarrassed about his serious addiction.

"Relax, man." Changbin laughed, patting Minho's back sarcastically.

"I was literally about to risk it all and go smoke in the plane's toilet."

Jisung slightly frowned. "You did well."

"Oh, uh, thanks." Minho awkwardly smiled, quite surprised by the praise coming from the younger and put the cigarette back to his lips.

"Minho." The coach said, approaching the boys with some other teammates behind him. "Again, really? What did I say to you about smoking last time?" He wasn't mad, he was just slightly disappointed.

"It's a problem, coach, sorry." He apologised and immediately threw the bud on the ground.

"And it's been for the whole time you've been on the team. It'll only slow you down which brings the whole team down. None of your teammates smoke, it's only you."

"I understand, I'll work on it." Minho nodded his head, hating being scolded in front of everyone. But it was true, it definitely wasn't the first time that they were having this conversation.

"Okay. Now, everyone, let's go to the hotel." He said and walked away.

"How long have you been smoking for?" Jisung spoke softly as he walked next to the older, keeping him company.

"Long. Since I was like a junior in high school or something."

"Damn, quitting that is going to be a bitch."

"Yeah." He sadly chuckled. "I don't really plan on it, cause I have absolutely no courage, but maybe it's worth a try."

"I can be your courage." Han sweetly said.

"It's okay, I'll find a way, thanks though." Minho kindly declined his offer, 'cause getting attached to the boy wasn't on his list.

Only sex, no hard feelings.

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