chapter twelve

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After they finally arrived to the hotel, everyone waited for the coach to give them their room keys so they could just go and rest before the championship tomorrow.

They also needed to wake up super early for morning practice at 8AM so they needed to recover from the jet lag quickly.

"Let's pray we're the only ones in the room, yeah?" Minho lightheartedly chuckled, fearing the worst.

"Yeah." Han answered. "Go get the key, please."

"Alright, one minute." He said and walked off to the front desk where his coach was already giving out room keys.

He noticed that there were only two keys left that led to different rooms: one on the third floor and the other on the forth.

"Imma take one for me and my friend." Minho said, taking one of the keys out of the man's hand. "This is still free, right? We're not conjoint, are we?"

"I'm pretty sure it's gonna be with someone else."

"What about the other one?"

"It's all I gotta left, Minho."

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath. "You sure you don't have any two-people ones? I really need it."

"Nope. Sorry, only these."

"Okay." Minho murmured quite annoyed and after taking a random key, walked away.

"So?" Han asked.

"So basically, we're not going to be alone which fucking sucks." He sighed frustrated.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't really mind."



The boys unlocked the door using their key card and walked inside the room.

"Oh my god!" Jisung immediately screamed. "I was literally preparing to introduce myself to random people!"

"Han, you whore! Come here!" Felix squealed, hugging the boy tightly.

"Y'all got fucked over too?" Minho chuckled, speaking to Changbin.

"Pretty much."

"At least it's you guys, so it's almost the same as back at home."


All of them walked past the small corridor and finally saw the room. (Scroll up for the picture of how it looks.)

"Hey, you didn't tell me we're gonna have to share a bed." Han squinted his eyes at Minho.

"Shit, sorry, I didn't know. Is there a problem with that?"

"I'll be fine, just don't touch me." He set a straight boundary.

"I wasn't even gonna." Minho sarcastically rolled his eyes, knowing damn well that was a lie.

Felix sat on the bed, closer to the window and started whining, "Does it mean we're on a sex ban right now? It's not like y'all would like to see that."

"Babe, relax." Changbin laughed at how desperate the Aussie was being. He literally got blessed with the best.

"Shower?" Minho questioned as if that was the most obvious answer ever.

"Or here?" Felix giggled and without leaving the bed got on all fours and arched his back. He mushed his face on the bed and placed his hands on his back as if he was being restrained. "Ready for daddy." He submissively looked at Changbin.


"I swear to God if I hear skin slapping or some shit at night, I'm sleeping in someone else's room." Minho strictly said, making Felix sit up normally, groaning.

"I thought it was funny." Jisung shrugged, defending his bestfriend.

"Huh?" The elder hummed.

"Let them have fun, don't be so tense. If y'all wanna do something, I can leave the room for a couple of hours. It's not a big deal for me."

"You are literally the best. Might let you in on it sometime." An obvious joke left Felix's mouth, making Han laugh.

"No." Minho said.


"You are not doing anything with him."

"Ooh, overprotective and feisty, I like it." Felix grinned, making Minho throw him a death glare as a warning.

"Okay, enough. Let's get something to eat before it gets too late." Changbin cut them off.

Jisung thickly swallowed, immediately getting uncomfortable in his own body and the thought of putting food into his stomach.

"Let's just order room service. I don't wanna go out, I'm still jet lagged." The freckled boy laid on the bed, tired.

"Okay. What do y'all want? Here's the menu." He said, looking over the booklet, he found on the table next to the phone.

"I want Chinese chicken." Felix said and laid back down.


"Hmm... Steak looks delicious."

"Alright. Jisung?"

"Uh, just a bowl of plain rice." He awkwardly smiled.

"That's not gonna be enough, don't you think? We haven't eaten since we landed." Changbin remarked.

"Nah, I'm okay. I'm not that hungry."

"Han~ah." Minho chimed in, being the only one who truly knew the truth behind the 'I'm not hungry' excuse. "Get something more, if you won't finish it, we'll eat it, okay?"

"Can I get pho, please?" Han asked, degrading himself over it inside.

"Of course you can. Now shush, Imma call the front desk."


Rise—such harmless food, yet it looked so threatening as Jisung awkwardly held it up to his mouth. Savouring the plain smell of it, eyes going everywhere, but the food on the spoon. Shit, here we go again. He thought as he took it in his mouth.

"Delicious, right?" Minho asked and Han just nodded, not making eye contact with the older.

He chewed it quickly, swallowing shortly after. And soon after came another spoon after another until the bowl was empty. With each and every bite Han's stomach became more and more upset as it growled loudly and painfully.

Minho made sure to keep an eye on the younger, making sure he actually eats this time. If not a lot, than at least a little bit.

When everyone had finished their food, Jisung excused himself and went to use the bathroom. He took his toothbrush, lifted the toilet's seat up and got on his knees in front of it. After he took a few deep breaths in, he proceeded to push the end of his toothbrush down his throat, trying to make himself throw up.

The first few tries were pretty unsuccessful as the unpleasant feeling only made him cough, eyes watering like crazy. He just prayed that none of the boys heard him struggle and especially Minho.

He tried pushing his toothbrush even deeper this time, hitting the back of his throat and it worked. He threw up as a relieving sense washed down his body.

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