chapter sixteen

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Minho and Changbin came back from the football practice exhausted, basically drowning in sweat. They walked into their hotel room, just to notice that it was empty.

"Where are they?" Changbin asked, plopping on his bed and sighing in content.

"They probably went out shopping or some shit."

"Yeah. Okay, so tell me about Jisung. How are things between y'all? Are you getting closer to, you know, like you intended at first?"

"You know, I'm conflicted about that. When he was talking about being raped and stuff—that really set me back. I don't want to push any wrong buttons, cause he's still healing, since it happened just recently, but on the other hand, yesterday I got off, while y'all bitches were fucking and—"

"Pause. You did what?" The boy asked in pure disbelief, fearing he heard it wrong.

"Yeah. We heard y'all. Felix was sooo loud, there's literally no way you thought we wouldn't hear y'all."

"Shit, I'm sorry, man. You know how Felix is."

"Yeah and no matter how many times I have heard y'all getting nasty, because of the paper thin walls back at our apartment—I still got hard."

"I mean, it's pretty natural when someone's basically moaning into your ear." Changbin nodded, understanding.

"Yes and the fact that Jisung was in my bed, looking cute as hell, didn't help at all. One second I'm jacking off and the other—he's licking my cum off my fingers."

The other boy's mouth fell wide open, "He did fucking what?!"

"My cum. In his mouth." Minho repeated himself, shrugging and cheekily grinned as he recalled the moment.

"Ain't no way, bro. I didn't know he was like that."

"I know, right! And he maintained eye contact as he did that too. That was hella hot."

"You're lying. There's literally no way he did that!"

"And because he did do that—that kind of gives me a green flag to try and do what I do the best."

"Hookups?" Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Hell yeah."

"I still can't believe he already knows how you taste. It's been, how long, like briefly 2 weeks? He's so pure and innocent, I would have never thought of him as someone this mischievous or even freaky."

"It's always the shy ones that got the dirtiest minds. And that's what attracts me the most to him. He looks like an innocent little boy, but has a body of a Porn star. He's so intriguing."

"I can't lie, his body is pretty amazing."

"Yes and I want it under me so bad."

"You're so horny, bitch. So sex deprived." Changbin remarked.

"Cannot deny."


"We're back, whores!" Felix exclaimed as they busted through the doors, startling both of the boys.

"Where were y'all?" Changbin asked.

"Me and Jisung went shopping, duh. What else are we supposed to be doing when y'all don't pay attention to us." The Aussie said and placed a good hand-full of shopping bags on their bed.

"Okay, sorry for practicing and working towards our goal to win, I guess." His boyfriend playfully rolled his eyes at the boy.

"What did you buy?" Minho directed his question to the squirrel like boy.

"Oh, uh—just stuff." He cringed.

"It's lingerie, don't be shy, Jisungie." Felix teased, making Han deeply blush.

"Did you buy some too?" Changbin asked, giving him the look.

"I did."

"Show me."

"It's for when we're alone." Felix smirked slightly pulling out only the straps of his lacy pink thongs out of the bag, being secretive about it.

"You'll have to show it to me properly sometime."

"But not tonight, not tomorrow night, got it?" Minho interrupted, setting down his boundaries, making Jisung chuckle.

"Why? You're scared you'll get aroused again?" Felix stuck out his tongue.

"You, keep your mouth shut." He warned.

"Okay, okay, sorry about having a sex life."

"We all do, Felix." Minho rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"You don't."

"I do."

"You do?" Jisung's ears perked up.

"Well, not a recent one, but I do." Minho explained himself in a soft voice.

"Aww, so soft for Sungie. Hate it to break it to you, but he's not into you, brother." Felix laid on the bed, resting his tired legs. Han was quite confused as to what the boy was trying to do or prove, since he knew damn well, that he was, indeed, into him. Maybe he wanted Minho to chase the younger.

"Why would I care?" He said and it slightly hurt Han's hopes. Maybe he didn't even like him in that way and the kiss in the gas station the other night was simply just nothing special for the older.

"Okay, whatever, you'll figure it out between the two of you, it's not my business who fucks who, 'cause the sexual tension is thick in this bitch, sheesh!" Felix started fanning himself with his hand as he was getting hot.

"No one is going to be fucking anyone." Jisung sternly said, not wanting to mix in with Minho's apparently active sex life. He didn't want to have sex at all. No matter if it was with Minho or anyone else. He didn't want to rush anything.

"Oh! There was a carnival near here. We walked past it when we were shopping and it looked so fun. Do y'all maybe wanna go? They have games and all that good stuff." Felix squealed out of excitement, really wanting to go.

"I'm so down." Jisung instantly agreed.

"Okay, let's clean up the room first and we can go."

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