chapter eight

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*3 days later*

It was late at night when Han was basically falling asleep on the counter. It was way past midnight and even the small TV he had there for entertainment was already playing on mute. Nothing in that moment was helping him stay awake and do his job properly.

"Long night?" A voice asked which made Jisung immediately shoot up from the slump. The person just smiled and put two cans of Redbull on the counter in front of him.

"Oh, hey." Han said, quite surprised.

"Hey. I think I just guessed your good day." Minho lowly chuckled.

"Actually it was my bad day today, but I just wanted to distract myself." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Night shift?"

"Yeah. I'm so tired." Han said and started scanning the elder's items. "I still have untill like 7 am."

"Damn. A long night ahead. Could I also get Marlboro?"

"I didn't know you smoke." Jisung turned around for a second and placed a pack of cigarettes on the table. "This good?"

"Yeah. Didn't have a chance to bring it up, I guess."

Han just hummed and handed Minho his stuff, "6,99 dollars."

He quickly opened his wallet and pulled out 10 dollars, giving it to Han. "Keep the change."

"No, I can't do that."

"Just keep it. Buy yourself an energy drink or something, cause with you falling asleep like this, someone could just come and steal shit."

"Thank you." He shyly muttered and shoved the remaining money into his pocket.

"Seems like you don't have many customers at night. Mind to join me for a quick smoke?"

"My boss will literally kill me." He shook his head.

"Is he here?"


"So what I'm getting here is that he won't kill you."

"Alright, fuck." Jisung sighed and after taking his phone with him, walked around the counter.

Both of the boys went outside and just stood there in silence. After Minho shoved the new pack of cigarettes into his pocket, he quickly pulled out a used one with only a single stick left. "You're okay with sharing, right?"

That was something Han had only seen in movies or read in books and they always would end up kissing in the end, so he really really hoped that was what was going to happen so he could redeem himself from the other night's rejected one.

"Yeah, okay."

Minho trapped the cigarette between his soft lips and lit it using an old black lighter. He took a deep drag, sighing in content. Jisung just watched him in awe, admiring how hot he looked in the bright moonlight.

"What are you doing here so late anyway?"

"Got thirsty."

"And bought two Redbulls?" Jisung scoffed.

"I told you I got thirsty, didn't I? Here." The older muttered and placed the cigarette to his mouth. "You have smoked before, right?"

"Do you think I'm a loser?" Han mocked and inhaled the smoke.

"Are you saying that everyone who doesn't smoke are losers?" He laughed.


"Okay, okay."

Jisung took another drag. Even though, he definitely wasn't a smoker, he was quite familiar with it, since he always did it socially and whatnot.

"How was your day?" Han asked, handing back the cigarette.

"Not that interesting actually. Just went to a football practice. We are supposed to go to Vietnam by the end of this week to play against them so we spend a lot of time practicing right now."

"Oh, cool! I've always wanted to go to Vietnam."

"Yeah, but that also means practices everyday and that's quite draining."

"But you get paid for it so it cancels out." Jisung shrugged.

"I guess." Minho kept on smoking the cigarette, occasionally passing it to the younger. "What about you? How was your day?"



"Just stuff." Han mumbled, trying to avoid speaking about his feelings too much.

"Hm, how are they healing? The cuts?"

"Well." He shortly answered, making Minho nod his head in understanding. The whole thing was followed by an uncomfortable silence so Han spoke up again. "So Vietnam... Will they do plus ones this time?"

"I'm not sure, maybe. Why? Are you volunteering?" Minho smirked.

"What, no! I was just asking so I'd know if Felix is going to leave me for some time."

"You're sure you weren't trying to sneak into my luggage?"

"Absolutely not! I'm sure you'll take your girlfriend or something."

"You know I don't have a girlfriend."

"How would I know?" Jisung squinted his eyes.

"I don't know. I could, perhaps, prove it to you." The older put the cigarette to his lips and took the last drag before throwing the bud on the ground.

"Prove it? How?"

"Like I tried to a few days ago." He nonchalantly said which sent Han into a panic mode, his cheeks coating in red.

"Oh." He let out a shaky breath.

"You're all flustered." Minho pointed out, laughing. "Do I really make you that nervous, Han?"

"Not at all."

"Hm, okay." Minho hummed. "So Imma get going now, alright?" He checked his pockets to make sure he had everything with him and turned around about to walk away.

"Hey, what about the... proving thing?" He timidly asked, stopping the older in his tracks.

"Oh?" Minho grinned. "Do you want me to kiss you?"

"No, I just want you to prove me that you don't have a girlfriend. I don't want to be interfering with anything."

"Okay, I'll prove it." He walked towards Jisung and quickly grabbed his chin, lifting it to a more comfortable position and connected their lips. He kissed him softly, biting Han's bottom lip as he pulled away. Jisung was completely frozen. It was nothing heated or even exciting, just a bunch of teasing and just a taste of what he could have.

As soon as Han opened his eyes, he made a quite shocked expression, not expecting that at all. It barely counted as a kiss, but it sure made him all damn shy.

"Point proven or do you need a make out session to believe me?" Minho teased even further.

"No—that's okay."

"Okay, but if you changed your mind or just had a lonely horny night, you have my number." Minho winked and walked away, leaving the younger completely dumbfounded.

It was true—Minho was just looking for an easy hookup, that's why he was moving so fast.

And that might disappoint or even hurt Jisung in the future.

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