chapter twenty-seven

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A few days later, Jisung entered the store and was instantly greeted by the cashier who was brightly smiling at the miserable male.

"Welcome." Her voice was uplifting and sweet and it actually made Han curl his lips into a thin smile.

"Hi." He said and disappeared into another aisle. He walked around for some time, grabbing a bunch of different snacks and candy.

When Han was about to go to check out, he found himself standing in front of box openers, knifes and other sharp objects. He looked around before picking up a few well packaged blades and headed over to the cashier.

"Is this going to be it? Did you find everything you needed?" She asked and started scanning his things.

"Yes, thank you—" His gaze fell to her name tag, "Thank you, Sakura, I found everything I needed."

She let out a soft giggle, "Just call me Kkura."

"Okay." Now it was Han who lowly giggled at the wholesome interaction.

Sakura just continued scanning Han's snacks when another person stopped in line. The man looked down and observed the younger's stuff and spoke up.


"Huh?" He turned around to Minho. "Oh—hey, what are you—what are you doing here?" He stuttered out, taken by surprise.

"Same old." Minho chuckled and placed a can of Redbull on the counter. "What are you buying?"

"Just snacks and... Other stuff."

"Other stuff... I see." Minho said looking straight at the blades thrown on the counter. "Did your razor ran out of blades again?" He taunted, voice stern.

"Uh, yeah—my razor."

"I can borrow you some of mine." He said and picked up the blades off the counter.

"No, no. It's okay." Jisung panicked, grabbing the item out of Minho's hands and placed it back on the counter.


"It'll be 14,99 dollars." Sakura interrupted their conversation that was starting to get awkward as hell.

"Here." Jisung said and after taking his bag was about to walk away, but Minho pulled him back by his hand.

"Do you wanna maybe come over to my place?"

"So suddenly?"

"I wasn't expecting to meet you here, so yeah."

"Okay, sure." He agreed, genuinely missing spending time with the older.

"1,99 dollars, sir." The girl cut them off again as Minho payed for his drink.

"See you later, Kkura." Jisung smiled and left the store.

"Do you know her?"

"No, we just met today. She seems cool."


"Make yourself at home." Minho said as both of the boys entered his dorm.

"Where's Changbin?"

"He's at Felix's for the night. He isn't coming back today."

"Oh, okay." Han nodded and sat on the older's bed. "Still haven't unpacked?" He asked after noticing a huge suitcase laying in the middle of the room.

"Nah, got too lazy. I'm still a little bit jet lagged."

"Me too."

"So... Your razor ran out of blades, yeah?"

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